Introducing Impact by Instructure


Impact is designed to help institutions improve adoption of education technologies, seamlessly navigate new platforms, and evaluate the impact they have on student engagement and outcomes. Learn more!

Video Transcript
What we're going to look at today is how impact it will give you an overview of impact and specifically how this product can be used to help you drive digital transformation and increase edtech adoption at each of your respective institutions. And so just a quick overview of the agenda for today. First. I want to, I want to kick things off by talking about some of the current ad Tech Trends and what a lot of institutions in, in all of you, here have been experiencing over the last year, then I'm going to give you a quick overview of what is impact, but where we're going to spend the majority of our time today is in the live demo. So in the real campus environment looking at the reports that we're tracking him, looking at customer examples, how are other institutions using these tools to change and improve the way that their institutions are doing online learning? So what is impact impact or an ed-tech? Adoption platform? Our main goal is to help you maximize your investment in educational technology. I'm making sure that faculty and students are taking advantage of canvas.

All the other tools available to them inside of canvas. And so, how are we able to do this? Well, the first step is tracking all of the usage data from your canvas environment. Giving you really good overview of how is canvas actually being used. So automatically when you install are plug-in, We Begin tracking over three hundred different monitors inside of your campus environment to give you really granular insights, into the usage patterns of your users, but also allowing you to identify some of these different areas of low adoption inside of your Ed Tech ecosystem. Now, we're also tracking all of the usage of your LTI and third-party tool Integrations as well.

So that's one of the things that it makes this data stand out from any other data sources that you might be using. But once we jumping in the live environment, you really see how granular this data is in the valuable insights that it can provide. But what really sets this data apart is that it is fully actionable. So, from directly inside a bee's report, we can create campaigns which allow you to Target users with messages directly inside of the campus environment. So, with impact, you're going to be able to place different styles of messages, anywhere, inside of canvas, which can be used to promote any new tools or new technology that's been added it.

Allow you to drive the adoption of underutilized functionalities in canvas. But also these messages can be use proactively to deflect the most common support request that you have coming into your help desk. So it really great way to help manage some of those common issues that your students or faculty might be running into once we going to the environment. You see, we have a lot of pre-made message content that you're going to be able to leverage, so really simplifying, and making the implementation of impact. I have a relatively low impact on The resources that are available at your institution, but of course, all of this is fully customizable, everything that we're looking at today, the reporting the messaging, but as well as the support.

So when we're looking at a driving and increasing the utilization of Technology, well, uses are going to be working with tools that they haven't used before. So that's why we want to provide 24/7, contextual and roll sensitive support directly inside of the campus environment. So, really allowing you to Surface. A lot of that support content users, not having to leave the campus environment, search for anything. Within just a couple of clicks having access to that support documentation that they need.

And this is going to really help facilitate neutral adoption. But also create a culture of self-help which is going to play a role in deflecting. Some of those are most common support request coming into your help desk as well. But what you'll notice down here at the bottom, is that users can also escalate their support request through the impact support tabs, and we will actually integrate with your current support workflows weather. If you're using canvassed, you want, if you have an in-house help desk, we can dynamically route users to the correct help that.

So, if they're experiencing an issue with a third-party tool, rather than with canvas, we can take that directly to the third party to a provider or directly to your in-house support, rather than sending that to Canvas Tier 1, we can send faculty and students to separate help desk. So getting the user to the right place as quickly as possible. But another thing that we're able to do is win a user. Does escalate their support request on the backend. We sent through what we call a smart escalation email.

I'm in here looking at a screenshot of it over here on the right which includes all of the information that were able to pick up from inside of canvas to such as what operating system is the user on what browser are they using. But most importantly, is actually just a link to exactly where the user triggered this support request from because a lot of times you might get a question or support request from a student. Like I can't take my test but they don't tell you what Tessa to try to take him to tell you what course at the ranch and it makes it very difficult for the help desk to solve that issue. They need to reach back out, get more information. So by having the smart escalation emails, our customers have been able to reduce their time to resolution by really valuable information to have streaming through your help desk.

Now that's all I want to do with the slides. They look we got a bunch more marketing is not going to be too happy with me. But what I want to do is really jump into the live environment. Show you some real examples of how impact is being used by our customers around the world. And so here, first thing we're going to do is go ahead and log into canvas and you were going to take a look at some of these different messaging examples of how all these messages can be used to communicate more effectively with your users, giving them information at the time of need when it's most relevant to them.

Now. The first thing that we're seeing here is a pop-up message. So there's a couple different styles that we're going to look at stay in. This is a pop-up message which allows you to What are customers? Did Dennis deliver new student orientation through this. Pop up messages, really grabbing that users attention, right? When they log into canvas and providing some important information.

So you can actually Target these messages towards very specific groups of users. Now we can segment the messaging based on the rolls inside of canvas. So sending messages to students or faculty. And we can also do this based on the sub account levels that you have inside of canvas. So either being able to do some departmental specific messaging or campus specific messaging, but then we can also upload a custom list of users.

So anything that you can pull from your Sis, whether if it's 2nd year chemistry students or in this case, we want to Target this message only towards freshman students. So you can upload a list of those users. And make this message only available to them, allow you to be very specific and targeted with your communication. But also getting outside of those traditional communication channels such as email and announcements, which are so easily overlooked and especially now a bit over flooded because it's one of the only ways that you're able to communicate with faculty and students. So with this messaging, you going to be able to take advantage of this really valuable real estate.

That is canvas. Now that we're seeing here is a general video, but for our customers who have done these different orientation videos, to spell, generally, put their own, welcome message, or training video inside of here for students. I'm kind of giving them a look and welcomed into canvas, but then he also noticed some links inside of this message. When I click on these, they actually open up directly into the impact support tab. So like I mentioned previously, allowing the user to get that easy access to support.

Without having to leave the campus environment without having to search for anything and being able to leverage some of the cell support content. Now here, when we go onto the dashboard, we see an example of what we call a sister, a message. So this it's on the bottom, right-hand side of the screen, providing some more general information about the page and this message, specifically is what I would classify as a proactive support message. So here it is, probably one of the most common examples that our customers use at the start of a new term, letting students know what to do. When they don't see their courses here in the dashboard.

A lot of times, they will escalate this issue directly to the support test for the canvas, tier one where They can't solve that issue for the student. It's generally something that you either need to reach out to the instructor. Reach out to the registrar. So here you so you can give that information to the student before they even know that they need it. I'm letting them know where to reach out to and by doing these different proactive support messages.

Our customers have been able to reduce the number of their escalated support request by 50% on average. I'm so just a really good example of how communication at the right time and at the right place can really go a long way to changing user Behavior. Not this third style of impact messaging that's available is what we call a hint message. So, if you see it's it's a message that's connected directly to a specific button or page element inside of cannabis. In these messages are great to draw the user's attention or create awareness about a specific or page inside of canvas.

So, what we see a lot of Institutions using this Ford is for that introduction of new new technology. So, such as canvas studios are also promoting any of these different tools which might have lower levels of adoption. So, here, you see, really, being able to promote canvas Studio show the user exactly where it is, let them know why it's important. But then when we enter into Studio, he will see another message. So, using this to, really facilitate that onboarding process of any new technology.

I'm letting them know how to use canvas Studio. Having links to this additional support content directly inside of these Just so I can give me them that really easy access to support allowing it to be good to work with new technology as easily as possible. But now, what I mentioned before is that this support tab is contextual and roll sensitive. So we know who the user is and where they're located inside of canvas and we can trigger the support tab anywhere in canvas, from this native help button down here on the Ave bar. And you see, it recognizes that I'm inside of the studio window.

So it's automatically presenting me with all of these different help items about using canvas studio. If I go back to the inbox page and we trigger it again, but we'll see. Is that is going to dynamically suggest these different support articles based on my location take me to communication specifically the inbox. Right now. I'm logged in as an admin.

So we'll see some instructor and we'll see some student support articles, but it's also role-specific. Now, this knowledge base is fully populated out of the box with all of the help guys, directly from instructure. So it's a really simple plug-and-play solution. Not a lot of configuration needed. And we've had customers roll this out into production within just a week or two after signing their contract.

So really simple to set up, but also, you can fully customize this knowledge base to. If you have any of your own institution, specific support documents or videos, you can upload those into here as well as adding in any of the support documentation for the third party or external tools that you might have plugged into Camp, is so really creating that one Central area for support. If you already have an existing knowledge base, external to Canvas, we're going to be able to use the API script to automatically pull all those resources into this knowledge base. I'm so not really wanting to duplicate any solutions that you have but being able to surface those materials, make them more visible. And from our Customers what we've seen is that once you make those resources available inside of canvas through the same pack support tab, you'll see a significant increase in their utilization because they're that much easier to access you.

See. There. Are there automatically presented at the most relevant time and more people are going to be taking advantage and utilizing those resources. Now, let's say I was a student or faculty member and I wasn't able to solve my issue using any of these help items down here. This is where the user is going to be able to automatically escalate their support request for this via email call, or if you have your own chat function, this is something that we can program into here.

So you can actually open up a chat window directly inside of the support tab, or you can open it up onto a difference on a different page. I'm so here you there you saw. It was actually opening me into a zoom room. This is from a customer of ours who uses this and has live consultations available for students. And this button is only available when they have somebody live in that Sumer which is during sex six times during the week.

So all of this is dynamic, if you're only offering call support until 5 p. m. Right after 5 p. m. That call button is not going to be available.

It's only going to be the e-mail button. If you're using a ticketing system, we will integrate with your current ticketing system. So whenever a Generates the support request from inside of impact. You'll see that ticket if included with all of that smart escalation information inside of your existing ticketing system. So it really being able to streamline and optimize your user support inside of canvas and push users to the correct help desk from the first go.

Right. Now, what I want to do is you know, what I want to do one thing before I jump into a course. I want to talk a little bit about campus reopening plants and how this messaging can be really effective for communicating about these different campus reopening plans, or any covid-19 training that you might like to deliver to your students before this upcoming fall term. So a lot of Institutions using this to communicate about, what are the policies going to be on campus for the upcoming tournament at institutions use this to deliver mandatory covid-19 training that pop-up message. The first one that we looked at.

When we logged in we can actually lock that message down and we can force a user to have to watch a video to its entirety, and actually take a checkbox acknowledging that they have read and and, and watch this information and only after that, will they be able to close the message and enter into the camp in to canvas for the first time? I'm so some very interesting use cases here. You see how this messaging can be used. Side of the scope of just using technology, but is a really effective General communication tool on to your your institution as well. And another really popular message use case for the upcoming term is clarifying, some of those different course, delivery modalities going into this fall term, the lot of Institutions offering for 2 to some. I've seen seven or eight different delivery methods of their courses and this can be confusing for students.

So giving them a brief outline of what are these different modalities. How do you figure out which modality your courses and then what's going to be expected of you for these different delivery methods? So really interesting way to just enhance that communication, but get it outside of an email, which is so easily overlooked Reno students. Don't always check your inbox. And so this gives you a new way to reach out to them and give them information when it's the most relevant to them. Once I jump into a course, we're going to look at another sister a message.

But this one's a little bit different cuz what you can see here is, it is actually a calendar e-link plugged in directly to this message. I'm so here. What we're doing is we're promoting academic advisory for student counseling sessions. So over the last year, many institutions have begin to provide more services, to their students, whether if it's Mental Health, Services academic advising different ways to support them through this last year and in learning online or not being on campus or, or just any of those troubles. They might have been facing.

So this also gives you a new way to promote any of those different services that you might be offering things such as free tutoring as well. Things that would be really useful for students, but they just might not know about. They might not have seen it. They didn't read the email. I'm so curious.

That's giving away to reach out to users. Where, you know, they're going to be logging in. That is one of the really big benefits of over this last year. Is it? People are using canvas more than ever it. It's, it's becoming a piece out of the way that how people are, are, are being educated.

Even for those fully in person courses. So, really give me a new way to promote those services. And with this link with with these messages, you're going to be able to input different types of web pages or wedges. This is just an iframe hosting. This calendly embed link here.

So you can be able to do this with any different type of tools. We've seen institutions use call, Trix are for Google forms to push, surveys directly inside of canvas and what they've seen as more students providing feedback on the service because it's directly inside of their course. It's really easy. They can submit it just inside of this message and they close it and it's gone. So giving you different ways to deliver some of that type of information as well.

And so, what I want to do now is actually jump out of the canvas environment and go take a look at some of the data that impact is able to collect know. I'm going to take a look at actually at the chat real quick and see if there is a any questions that that people have been putting in hair, be a good time to just kind of dress that solo from lary Letty. We did have a question. Will this ever be part of the Kindle Support options that we pay for Cheerwine answer right now is that we are hoping to have details shortly and how this will end a grave into your existing can to support. The ecosystem of the intention is the intention is to increase adoption of a tier-1 support.

And then obviously most important folks to those third-party tools, support centers, faster and more effectively as well. And then And questions for you cold from Adam Cohen that can additional help request be split based on role of either student or faculty. Yes. They can. So, based on the given based on their sub account.

You could actually route users to different help desk. So student issues can go to one help desk and faculty to another. We've also seen institutions with departmental specific support. And then that's where we can also leverage that sell account, level and push a user directly to that department, specific help desk. How are the cyst? Train messages, set up to trigger that a timer bring over an area or landing on a particular screen? Yes, great question.

So, the messages are tied at two different locations or areas inside of canvas near going to be be be able to place these messages anywhere inside of the campus environment. So over here you might have noticed this little button. This is the administrator tool of impact in. So this is something that only your your canvas admin team or people from your center of teaching and learning academic Affairs that the door. I keep that these people have access to.

And now, once I've launched this, you see it allows me to select each of these individual page elements inside of canvas. So this is how I can select where exactly, I'd like this message to show up. But then down here, I can select the entire page and then this is how I would create the sister a message. So once I select this page, it's going to ask me if I want to create a message. If I want to add a support article to this page, or if I want to create a monitor in this would allow you to track visits to this page.

So you could set this up yourself, if you wanted to track users progress through a a unit. Personal instructor training course that you might have available to all your instructors in canvas, of being able to customize the data that we're tracking inside of canvas as well be here. Once I still like the message here, we could create a sister, a message, or a pop-up message. As we go through this process was called a test. And then here you can change the size, you can add in any of the images, any of the videos or links to support articles that you like to hear or be able to leverage the support code of the source code to add any of those different iframe embeds.

Like we just looked at and then here we go to the next page and this is where you can choose. Who is going to see this message. So this you can or you can see it automatically picks up all of the different roles and sub accounts inside of your campus environment, but then here is where you can also select, custom user groups or different campaigns that you, you might have used. We're going to get to that in a minute. I'm here.

I'll just make this message available for everybody. We can make it only available in this course or in all courses. And we can also turn on or turn off some of that feedback that users can give us on these messages. So now we're just back out of impact. And will refresh the page.

We should see that message show up, just right here in the bottom right-hand corner, like like all the other. So the reason I wanted to take you through that process, was just to give you a look at how simple this is to go and create your own messages directly inside of cannabis. All fully customizable can be used to communicate about any of the difference between chicken issue dibs have going on at your Institution. Yeah, it was it one more question about the second coming, will continue to answer them at the small breaks in between the different areas of the presentation. And so, I jumped over to another Tab and we're in the impact dashboard.

I'm so, this is where all of the admin tools live, but also all of the reports that were tracking. So right now we're under the inside stab and we're looking at the tool adoption report cuz this is what's really going to give you that full overview of how is Candice being used right now. We're looking at instructor usage, but we could also go ahead and drill down into student usage and then being able to segment all of this reporting by the different sub account levels inside of your institution. So again campus departmental specific Usage. Now down We have all the different Major Tool categories inside of canvas.

And then also, you see picking up some of these different altii tools. And so All of this data is tracking automatically. Once you install the impact plug-in is a JavaScript plug-in integrates to your team editor and it is going to track. Like I said over three hundred different monitors of of of usage inside of your canvas environment. And so here we drill down into assessments and we can see what tools are being used.

But then we can drill down into each. Individual will see exactly how it's being used in. This is where you get these really valuable insights into the usage patterns of your users to hear. We drilled down into rubrics, we can drill. Down even further here.

So we can see 15% of instructors are adding grits to decide if we can see exactly what types of assignment or instructors adding lyrics to. I mean, just normal assignments rather than discussion to the quizzes, but then hear what we see it in. This is why this data can be really interesting and why you want to have that ability to drill down into the specific usage. Cuz what we see on the top level is a relatively High instructor adoption of rubrics, but as we drilled down, what we see is the majority of this usage is actually just viewing the rubrics page. It's not creating a rubric.

It's not adding it to an assignment or using these Rubik's to grade those assignment. I'm so this is where you're going to be able to use these reports to look at some of those, this key workflows at your institution that instructors are students. Need to be completing and identifying, some of those drop off areas in that work flow. And what makes this data really Bible? Like I mentioned it in in the slide is that it's all fully actual. So, let's say, I want to promote an increase.

The number of Instructors who are going to create a rubric in side of campus. Now, I could download a CSV file, I can see which instructors have created a rubric which ones have not. Or we have this cool inside of impact, which allows you is called creating a campaign. And this is the way to segment and Target specific groups of users with messages directly inside of the campus environment. So we can actually go ahead and select all these instructors, who haven't created a rubric before.

And then inside of canvas. We can go ahead and place a message to them such as this. So this would be a message that could be included in this campaign, but asking the instructor. Hey, do you want to save time grading? It's a lot of times with this messaging. We don't just want to pop things up there and say, hey, do this, they do that.

No, we want to show these instructors. Why this technology why canvas? Why? These third-party tools are are valuable to them and how it's going to help to enhance the way that they are teaching with their, their students. And so here letting Know that rubrics can help him to save time grading by using speed, greater grading assignments on the mobile app, but then of course, we've targeted these instructors that haven't created a rubric before. So giving them a short tutorial video on how to build and use a rubric in canvas and then of course some additional links to that support content. So they can go and look for themselves and learn a little bit more without having to to leave and search making it as simple as possible for them to begin working and using the technology and canvas.

So hilarious where this data is, is coming from. And so this, all of this data is collected directly by impact. So it's not driven by the canvas API, or canvas data it. It's it's a way that our JavaScript lays is a layer on top of the campus environment. And we pre built these different templates that can be recognized as we're looking at here in the reports.

So one thing that I like to do during this part of the presentation, is there any specific areas that you'd like me to click around and and show you what type of data you're collecting out of the box. I saw somebody asking about LTI tools so so we can pick up is about seventy-five nearly a hundred LTI tools that we can begin tracking automatically after the installation of our plug-in. But these reports again, like I mentioned before are fully customizable. So you're going to be able to track any of those LTI or third-party tool Integrations in your environment here. I've got a nice screen.

So this is from a real customer and up the LTI, tracking dashboard that they have built out. What you'll notice Here's to Us like, how to read, but also some of the different publisher content providers. Being able to see how many instructors, how many students are leveraging that content provided from those different third-party providers. And then, another really interesting use case for these LTI dashboards is, well, the first is going to be conducting Ry evaluations. I'm so being able to understand what, what's the return on investment? What's the utilization of these different tools that we've adopted either? Previously, you're in the last year, but then, you can actually calculate a real cost per user for these different tools based on the number of people that are taking advantage of it.

And using the two and I can help factor into your Roi evaluation, but then We've worked with a number of Institutions on identifying and eliminating redundancies in their ad Tech ecosystem. So many institutions over the last year could have been using multiple web conferencing software. It's using WebEx or Zoom alongside each other or using multiple proctoring software Solutions. So, using honorlock and respondus lockdown browser to being able to really see and compare the utilization of those two different tools figuring out, which one is the more popular and then being able to make those data-driven decisions going into the next term of which tools were going to keep, which ones are adding value to our online learning strategy. And which ones are maybe something that we can eliminate and use that budget somewhere else where it's going to be more effective as a really valuable insights that you can pull from some of these different LTI until tracking reports.

I'm in an all of this data is coming through in real-time. So as your users are clicking inside of cameras, you can actually refresh these reports and see these the use of Shadow reflected a media. And it's so Taylor asked who has access to these dashboards. So generally what we see is from the administrative level. People having access so, Candice admin instructional designers.

This is really valuable data for them. But of course, higher up the chain into the executive level. This is really, really interesting data for them to look at to see what's the utilization of our technology. How are people using these different tools? So a lot of times people like see the Provost of academic Affairs, CIO level director of academic technology, directors of the center for teaching and learning. These are the type of people to generate will manage the tool be looking at this regularly, but what we have is actually a permissions tool which is going to allow you to disseminate this information to different areas of the institution as well.

So you can give access to the dean of the economics. Faculty wear when they log into the impact dashboard. They're only going to see the usage data from that sub account level of the economics. Faculty. I'm so really allowing this the data in the usage of this tool to to range from the highest executive levels all the way to Some of your deeds and then what we have in our roadmap is actually to make this data available to instructors.

So what we've been looking at here from this tool adoption report level is institution wide usage, or if we use this role filter, we could do department or campus specific. But what we also do inside of impact his breakdown, this usage data to the individual course, in the individual user levels. So I'm just jumping over to these. Canvas course, activity reports here, where we're going to be able to search all of the courses in canvas Bass by term-based, by course ID, or based on the instructor. So here we can search based on course tidy.

I'll just go with 2021 having a little bit of issues with this server this week where there's not a lot of great data first it going to jump into here, but what we'll do, we'll go into a specific course and hear what we see this. The same tool adoption report that we were just looking at, however, only for the use. Inside of this one course. I'm so then it automatically pulls up student usage for us. And then down here, will see the individual students inside of this course, and as we go and drill down into these individual Categories here, what you see is that this individual user data is changing.

So as of drill down into test, we see you kids quizzes. Take a quiz view quiz attempts. So really allow you to break this down, very granular and I'd expected later this year for us to release an LT. I plug in into canvas, where an instructor will be able to go in and see this data for the courses of which they are an instructor. So, really, wanting to to give everybody access to this data, because it can be very valuable to making that data-driven decision-making.

Perfect straight cuz I didn't answer the question Taylor and so here just the two of us insights. And so yes, it does include all of that third party and LTI tool data. And so here, I'll just jump back into the original to adoption report that we were looking at and and talk about one other specific example. So one thing that we've seen a lot of Institutions is a thing with discussions. So here, if we drill down into discussions, we can see who's participating of their viewing discussion topics and see who's creating these new discussion.

But one thing that we've noticed is here, we'll see a high level of instructors who are creating new discussion topics. But once this low see what was the, it's a very low percentage of instructors who actually go and publish these discussions. I'm so a lot of times it's just missing out on that one. Click of the button from making this available to students. And so here again, being able to take action on this data, create a campaign Target, all of these instructors that haven't published a discussion before.

And then directly inside a canvas, we could place a message to them such as this one. So we'll go to discussions with see here. I've got a discussion. It's not published. And as I go into this discussion, right on the published button, you can trigger this message to the instructor.

Hey, did you publish your discussion tenant, giving them some a reminder and helping them. So using these messages through the guide users through, how you would like to use canvas best practices, a lot of Institutions using this to assist with course templates, set up. So, if you do push course, two templates to instructors, using these messages to guide the instructor through that process, what elements of the course need to be included. Sending them reminders, promoting support content on to really get them engaged in working with some of those different areas. Now, one thing that's in this is something that a lot of smaller institutions, have really been leading the charge for and so, I said, who got another message? This is, this is an interesting one as well.

So here is the message for when they release the new Gradebook last year. So wouldn't impact. What we do is we recreate messaging. Paint for each of the different updates are SAS releases from instructure. So as you're you're getting new features and changes going on inside of canvas.

You going to be able to communicate that effectively to your users so that they're going to have maximum adoption of those new features from the gecko. One time. If you're an instructor in your login and everything's different and say what's going on. What what do I need to do? And so here with this messaging just being able to communicate that at the time of need, when the instructor is here and where there might be experiencing some of these updates or changes for the first time that I want to get this message out of the way, so I'm going to move my screen a little bit That was me for a moment. When I'm going to have to do is I'm going to have to remove this impact administrator tool because it is blocking the husband.

So this is something that they would not really experience. It's just something that that's just typically on the admin tool that it wants to let you click that before the message. And so all I did is I turn that off and then our going to see this message. I'm going to close it but What are some medicine with the smaller institutions are doing to to Leverage The, the value inside of impact is too bright asynchronous training to instructors, but the students as well, but really, to reach a larger audience of instructors and provide them with this training information again, when is the most relevant to them, right? When they're here about to upload their grade at the end of a term security? See just being able to asynchronously communicate with a large audience of users, for all of those instructors who maybe didn't have time to attend your you're in person or online training session. I'm just having this information available here.

Having these videos, making it simple, and improving that user experience inside of canvas. Not here. I've got a great example. I'm from a conversation that under and I had with FAU a couple weeks ago. I'm so this is just an example of how you can get all of that institution, specific support documentation available Direct.

The inside of this impacts support window. Yet. Now, I want to cut it open up cuz any questions about the messaging or the or the how that that data is actionable and how you can connect it to some of these different messaging outcomes and promoting different Tools in canvas. Feel free to type in the chat. What? I'm going to transition to now is taking a look at how impact can help you to maximize the ROI of some of these different LTI and third-party tool integration.

So I'm just going over to the zoom page here. And you see when I open that up we can actually lay messages over on top of these different LTI page Windows as well. So try me some additional support for Zoom through, seen a lot of Institutions promoting best practices for teaching online teaching via web conferencing going directly to the support guides available inside of impact within hear what we do. If I just trigger the support tab from this native helping you see, again, it it recognizes that I'm on an external LTI application and it knows that I'm inside of zoom and it automatically takes me to the zoom support articles. So this is how we can, also dynamiclear out the support request to the correct help.

That's whether if you work with zoom support, or you have You handle all of that in house. We can actually route these directly to the correct help desk, rather than sending them off to Canvas to your one, where they're just going to need to be bounced back. So, this can be a really great way to to get the user directly to the area that day, they need help from as quickly as possible in this is going to help you to improve those processes, but also reduce the abandonment rate on a lot of those tickets. Panama traits of tickets are high and generally many institutions. So just speeding up that process having that smart escalation information included is going to help you really optimize and improve that support aspect in.

In like I mentioned being able to use this messaging to reduce these different. Most common support request one really great example, and this is something that Palm Beach State College in Florida. A new canvas logo has has done very successfully. So they use respondus lockdown browser. I've got an example with honorlock here, but they have a lot of Institute, or a lot of stuff.

Who were reaching out having issues setting up respondus lockdown browser, for the first time? So what they did was they sent out one of these messages, proactively to students letting them know how to install it. Giving them the link to download the latest version, and with his practice message, reducing the amount support request by know, are, are trouble or, or areas where an instructor student might have an issue. It's a great way to communicate and get that information. That's 17. I call we have a couple other questions that came rolling in from Elizabeth Greenwood.

Thank you for asking. How can you track what messaging goes to what group is there an archive of recipients? We are concerned about over messaging and faculty tuning out. Yes. That's a really great point to bring up Elizabeth because there is such a thing as that pop up fatigue. So this is something that we always managed with our customers to our customer success came into our implementation.

I'm so relieved, finding the right balance of the number of messages and who they're going out to inside of Candace. So generally, what we can do is that you can use with these different segmentation tools Segment specific populations of your institution to make sure that this messaging is as relevant and as effective as possible to avoid that pop up for 2, if you continue to to deliver useful information, you're going to have less instructors tuning out, but we are also tracking all the different interactions with these messages. So here are just gone to the messaging tabs in the dashboard in here, over to the insides page where we can see all of the different messages available. The total number of views on these messages. How many of these are individual users? How many people are going and clicking on the links inside of this message? And then also taking a look at some of the feedback that people are providing on your messages as well.

So this can give you some really valuable insights into what types of communication, your faculty or students find valuable. And if they find useful. So using some of those insights on that you find through this feedback, to be able to enhance and provide that valuable communication moving forward. Cole. That was fantastic. I can't thank you enough for taking time to cover everything. That was incredibly thorough, and thank you everyone for joining the email or contact, your customer success manager.