Everyone’s Invited to This Party
Okay, it’s less of a party and more of a promise we’ve made to elevate student success, amplify the power of teaching, and inspire everyone to learn together. We do mean everyone.
Because education is for everyone.
Our products are made to support education for everyone, regardless of their individual abilities. Wherever and however they learn best. So we test each product regularly. Update them all frequently. And welcome feedback at every turn. We’re committed to:
Regular internal testing and third-party evaluation
Delivering instructional design and online learning based on best practices
Apps that enable flexible access from anywhere

Our people are passionate about accessibility.
Many of our employees are former educators, with hands-on experience helping learners with their accessibility needs. Others are simply passionate advocates for our customers and always trying to learn more. Hear first-hand what our employees are doing to reinforce our commitment to accessibility.
We believe in creating access by design, so together we build tools that help everyone to learn together at their own pace
Our employees have their own range of unique abilities and needs, and understand accessibility challenges personally
Click on the link below to read their writings on the importance of accessibility, and how Instructure supports it every day

Our customers are showing us how it’s done.
Learn how North Carolina’s schools for the deaf and blind use the Canvas LMS to empower students every day. Hear from both teachers and learners how equitable access to education is changing lives.
Learn how technology can equalize opportunity
Promote independence and self-learning
See what students can achieve with the right tools