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- Learning is most effective through personal connections. At Instructure, we
- See how to transform your education decisions with powerful data.
- Watch the 2024 Product Updates video for a recap of this year's latest features
- Discussion with ChalkTalk's Eddie Vaisman on the impact of a partnership with
- A video testimonial from the CEO of Praxis AI.
- Video testimonial from Dr. Rachel Book about our partnership
- Join Chief Product Officer, Shiren Vijiasingam and Chief Technology Officer
- Chief Academic Officer, Melissa Loble welcomes Mary Murphy, award-winning
- Join us for a fireside chat with professional climber and filmmaker Jimmy Chin
- Join our CEO Steve Daly and Chief Strategy Officer Mitch Benson together with
- Join us for an enlightening super session panel featuring Collin College
- The North Carolina state constitution requires the benefits of public higher
- In this interactive session, we will explore the diverse ways in which
- Explore the transformative potential and challenges of Artificial Intelligence
- Leadership from four systems (California Community Colleges, California State