Data-Informed Decisions to Improve Education Outcomes: Streamlining Data & Analytics in 2023 and beyond


No educator has time to wrangle data in spreadsheets, but they all need data-driven insights to improve the experience and outcomes of students. Instructure kicked off 2023 with significant releases to save educators time and effort, surfacing the data that matters to both educators and administrators. See what's new and learn what's coming to help you enable data-informed decisions at your institution.

Video Transcript
So happy to have you all here. Thank you so much for joining us. It's really good to see a lot of familiar faces. I can't believe you're not sick of me and Kevin yet. But one day, you will be. So we wanna start with just a fun question.

We'll introduce ourselves. Well, we don't have a poll. So we're gonna do show of hands. If you had to spend every summer in one of these places, get your place in your mind. Which one would it be? So so hands for Denver, Colorado.

Yeah. I think I live this group. Okay. Okay. Alright.

Good mountains. Right? There's a lot of good cycling. A lot of good biking. Alright. Get that.

Viking. White water rafting. Alright. What about Hawaii? Oh, Pina Colada fans. Yes.

A lot of pineapples. Serving. Okay. Very nice. Houston, Texas.

Well, wait. But it it's mild weather. It's beautiful. Yeah. It's really great.

I don't know what, but I don't know what your problem is. It's great. It's how we are. How about budapest? Anyone global travelers? Tell us, like, something cool about it. Okay.

Okay. So from my research, There are a hundred and twenty three medicinal thermal spas. It is a thermopolis officially in budapest. Is that true? Anyone else? Okay. Okay.

Okay. So, yeah, little secret system. Question time. I'm from Houston, Texas. It's miserable right now.

I was so excited to get to Colorado when I showed up, and it was like ninety nine degrees. I'm Carly Curran. I'm the product manager for Canvas analytics. Hi, everybody. I am living in budapest right now for the remainder of the year.

So I'm, working with the development and the product teams out there, one of our offices. So I'm VP product of the platform, so I've been here about four years. And really excited to talk to you today about all the things we're up to. So Yeah. Awesome.

Alright. So, quick agenda. I know it's the, this is the holding you up between dinner. We're the last thing between you and dinner. So We're gonna try to keep it a little light and and and go quick, but, the framework for today, we're gonna talk about two innovations, two big capabilities we release year that we're really excited about.

Then we're gonna give you a little sneak peek. Carly Will into, some learning insight solutions in the sort of the next evolution of what we're doing around data and analytics. And then, a couple of calls to action, and it's just some time Q and A. And, Yeah. We're excited to to jump in.

So with that, you guys, everyone in the right room, data and analytics. Okay. Pass question one. Alright. So, as you all can imagine data and analytics are a fundamental part of any, any platform.

And really, they illustrate the potential and the power of a platform because, as you can imagine, the platform enables powering of insights and analytics because everything in the platform in all of our products, it creates data it consumes data. And so our goal and our job, the two of us, specifically with our teams, is to unlock the potential. Unlock that data to deliver analytics, to deliver insights to you, to your development teams, to partners, to help create better experiences and solve real challenges that you have today. So that's, that that's our mission. And when we think about data and analytics in that, the problem space, we think about it in three layers.

The first is that foundational data layer. And in that foundational data layer, there are characteristics like scalability, security, extensibility, accuracy, timeliness, If any one of these things falls down or is problematic or is untrue from a capability, then we're severely limited in what we can offer and the insights you can gain. So that's a core focus for us. All of that foundation of data layer works to support analytics and reporting, which really gives you all a purview into information that's tied to activity, engagement, grades, performance, your implementations and allows you to dig in to the data to gain insights to identify areas for targeting intervention or even looking at best practices. And on top of that, we think about insights as the sense making.

So from a reporting and analytics standpoint, it's taking that same information, but synthesizing a little bit so that we can actually have calls to action or make recommendations, give you that insight. So ultimately, and all three of these really combined are designed to help save time. And help you get to the teaching and the learning, and best practices. So that's how we think about it. And as we as we think about those slices, of data and analytics, well, I'd like to say.

I'm proud to say we had a great year, for this. As mentioned, I've been here for four years. And, two, we had two big releases this year that I'm I'm really excited, to have worked with Carly on. So, I wanna start on that data foundation layer. So any of you here have heard of CD one or a term CD two? I see a lot of heads nodding.

Great. So we released in March what we're calling Canvas data two, but really, it's a brand new data pipeline that was built from the ground up it was designed specifically to power, not just canvas, but our entire platform. We're starting, of course, with canvas because that's where majority of our data is the biggest need is for, for you all. And that was made available in March. And as we'll get into details about, kinda, what we did and why we built it and who it's for.

It's what I'm most excited about is, part of that extensibility layer that, are characteristic we talk about, the data layer. So, so I'll jump jump in a little bit. Again, why did we do this? And who is it for? Well, when we talk to you all, the end user, the, the faculty, the staff, the site administrators. What we heard were three core needs. One, that we need more insights that you all needed to be able to gain more information, get more context, about the learner, about outcomes about success, your implementation so you can help drive best practices.

The, the, the second is been is that that information has to be more timely so that you can get to those students that are in need or those implementations that need a little nudge. One or a different way for best practices in a timely manner and, before it's too late. And then lastly, as you might have heard Zach say at the beginning of the product keynote that this is core core stuff we're talking about. This should be part of, canvas, part of our core offerings, and it should evolve with you all as your as a base layer for, for all of your needs and implementation. So all the things we're gonna talk about, Here around data side are included with, your purchase of Canvas, and as we evolve it and extend it, it will be, tied to the learning platform.

So A couple of things specifically around what we did of having listened to you all. First, we have now ninety canvas data tables that are available through this new pipeline. Because of the way that we're generating the data, we're actually able to give you a little bit more granularity and a little bit more insights, or information tied to the same data that we did have available to you. So think about things like, submission updates. So a little bit more detail on the when it was updated and the types of of updates or changes to submissions, discussions, whether their posts were liked or not liked.

And so a little bit more detail. So you can help gain some more derives some more insights. And, you know, I mentioned timeliness. So for those of you who have been working on with CB One for a while and a lot of systems that are, out in the market, you you hear things like twenty four hours twenty four to thirty six to forty. It's been a it's a long time to get, in a large, in a lot of, cases, large data sets to get updated.

So what we've done is we've said, okay. We've rearchitected the solution. We can now deliver the largest tables in under four hours. To our, data teams from a data access standpoint. So, and that's the largest table and it gets better as you get smaller.

So We've really built this to help, make sure that your teams that are developing, through applications or reports can get that information on the same day, and, so you can take action. So we're really, proud about that, especially given the size of the datasets that we have, coming from our customers. And of course, as I mentioned, included in Canvas. So I've talked a lot about the use cases, the needs from you all. Well, we've designed this for not only the end user and use cases, but the primary users which are the developers.

And so we've spent a lot of time talking to developers and thinking about ways that we can help, make access to data more efficient easier, more stable, more extensible, flexible, I should say, and and really make it easy to get up and running quickly. And we spent a lot of time, looking at ways we can provide better documentation. We have version control now. So as we're releasing enhancements and features to this. It's really an opt in of whether or not the developer team's ready to take it on or You know, we're ensuring that what they've all the work that they've done remains intact.

And then we've also built tools to help with getting that data not only out of our system, but put into a usable format inside of a database. And so, we've built a client library for a postgres database, for those of you who or close to it would know, it allows you to get up and running very quickly, with the data and start making use of it. And that's just one of one type of, client library that we built and we're working on on on others. My my sequel is the next one we're working on that this week. So we're really trying to make it easy for you all to to engage with this.

And when you put that all together, with reaching out to your CSM for your initial, developer keys. And then the ability to easily generate after that for your own, or for partners, if, if if that's something that, you've agreed to with them, that's it's your data. So it's all your It's your control. Generating the keys, downloading and installing one of the client libraries. And then, with in no time at all, you can meet up and running starting to run queries against the that database.

So I'm simplifying quite a bit because a lot of you, I'm sure, have lot of reports that have taken a lot of effort to build and there are a lot of queries. And so this really is meant to start, let the developers start looking at the data start analyzing it. And I know that there are a lot of admins who are, who actually aren't at the Tableau phase. They're not at the the the, power, you know, BI phase. They're running queries against data to get simple reports, and that's what we're trying to enable in addition to those those institutions that have full data teams.

So so we're really excited about, this approach and and the work that we've done. So, as I mentioned before, last thing I'll say here is that this is the foundation for the future of our analytics and insights solutions. I mentioned a lot about performance and scalability and security and that's all built into this solution. And one of the one of the reasons why we're so excited about it and frankly why we've invested as much as we have in this is that it is going to power our own solutions internally. And we've heard from developers that they wanna be close to the raw data so they can recreate things that we do and that, there's, there's a closer connection to the things we're developing.

Well, you're gonna you're gonna hear from Carly in a second about some of the analytics work that we've released this year. And, we will be transitioning that to run through this pipeline, as well, and then all of our future products that we build will be coming through this. So, we're really excited about, not only that foundation layer, but adding more data too as well. So catalog data is coming this year. Mobile data will now be included inside of this pipeline here later this year and then go mobile.

And then, and then there will be obviously additional datasets across Master Connect and for K twelve and other parts of the platform. So, we're very excited about where we're at today, and it's just the beginning. I'll leave here with a quote from, from Damien who I believe might have presented, earlier here today. He's a consultant for University Malvern. And, he was part of the, evaluation group that looked at the use of Canvas data too for Melbourne.

So Melbourne is a massive institution. There's, over, ten thousand staff and, seventy thousand different students throughout the globe and The, you know, some of the things he appreciated were the fact that it was able to handle large data sets, and delivered a timely manner. And so that's the type of, you know, reinforcement that we love to hear from our customers. And, you know, I've talked to a few of you during the hack night and So far, I've been really excited about the engagement. So anyway, with that, I will, I will one call to I promise calls to action.

So one call to action, if any of you who, either you're ready or your teams are ready or interested in engaging with Canvas data too. Please reach out to your CSM and ask for those credentials and say, hey, I'm ready. My team's ready to go, and we'll walk you through all the the guides and next steps. So again. Thanks all with that.

I'm gonna turn over to Carly. Let's talk about analytics. Thank you so exciting. I said this is morning, but Our internal teams are super excited about Canvas data too as well. I'm gonna talk a little bit about admin analytics.

This is features that we released at the end of March. How many of you have heard of this? Okay. Good. If you haven't, if you don't know what this is, right? I wanna talk to you after this, but don't worry, but But this is a new in app analytics space for Canvas administrators, right, for the account and subaccount admin roles. This is part of core Canvas, our big goals with in building this were to give you the data that you need to measure our Canvas usage at your institution.

I talked about this this morning, Canvas course success. So how are courses built? Are there courses that we're worried about, right? And then student engagement and performance across their courses. Alright. So this is what we're trying to do. We're gonna show you some of that.

But first thing I wanna say is we've had, you know, in the I don't even know what month we're in, but quarter or so since this has been released, we've had some really good conversations with customers, and this is, one of our global customers, College of Micronesia, is doing some some cool work around the start of the term. So it could be the start of the session, right, or the school year, helping faculty get engaged in Canvas and get engaged in their courses based on the data that they're seeing in admin analytics. So we'll look at courses that are unpublished. Right? We'll look at courses that are published, but don't have any activity in them. In reaching they're reaching out to those faculty, right, and getting them engaged And ultimately, that is serving the purpose of giving students a more cohesive, you know, synchronous experience across the institution.

Right. Okay. So We're gonna do a little demo. Let's see. Let's see.

We're rolling the dice here. Live demo. Okay. Think of Hawaii. Okay.

So let's see if I can make this big again. Kevin and I are gonna role play a little bit. I'm gonna be he's gonna be my boss, which by the way one time he was. He's the director of technology at Tows in the San Hugh. And I'm gonna be his analyst.

So Okay. Here we go. Carly, this semester just started and, I'm We have some new faculty, and I'm trying to figure out if there are ways that maybe we can help, that make sure that they're off to a good start with their courses and, and really ready for heading into the semester. Is there anything that you can do to help me, maybe share some information with some folks? Yeah. Yeah.

So we've got a couple of places we can look. And the first place that I would direct you is to this course status report. And I may go into these unpublished courses, why don't we just take a look at what's going on. Right? Okay. You can see which courses We hear that from students a lot of wishes.

Courses aren't published. I don't know how to access them. So this this is really interesting. Yeah. So there's a lot of metadata in here.

And I think let's, like, let's take a look at one of Crystal's courses. So fun she's got this fundamentals course I think we can actually open this in Canvas. And let's see. Oh, wait. The link's right to It links right to Canvas.

Yeah. So we can see if it's ready. It just she just hasn't published it yet. Oh, nice. But do you think maybe we could I can maybe show her this or send maybe some information to her, maybe others that might need to support.

Yeah. So you can download this report. Right? So we're just gonna go to download. You can decide the format you want. So you wanna let CSE.

Sure. I love CSE. XL. I I know you're still using it. So okay.

I'm not using so. Okay. Okay. Alright. Okay.

Is there anything else that we can think about, maybe in support in terms of driving some best practices or around courses? Yeah. Let's go to this course, dash. Board. Okay. And so one of the things we're gonna see here is how features are used across Canvas.

Mhmm. And these are these are courses that have activity Right? So these are courses that have been published and that have some activity, but we can take a look at the different features that are being used. And one of the things I noticed right away is that we don't have anybody using this syllabus. I know that's the best practice that we've talked about. I was making sure that it's clear.

Did you do that training also? Yes. Sure sure did. Maybe we should remind other people that they should do the training. I'm gonna solve this. What do you think? Yeah.

I think that's it. Wow. This is super helpful. Thanks. Okay.

So, okay, let's just imagine for a minute that we're moving through this semester. And, I've just heard from, a department head. And they said, you know, we're really trying to understand how our students are doing and if there may be any opportunities for us to add some, you know, provide some support. Yeah. Let's take a look at the the College of business.

Oh, the college of business. Yeah. We, it tows in the San View, the college of business we work swimsuits. No. Okay.

So we're gonna filter for the college of business, and we're gonna look at the current term. Right? So let's default term. Okay. So let's say we filter for that, and then we'll go look at the student page. And so you said this department head wants to see how students are doing? Yeah.

Okay. Well, so we've got fifteen students with a low course score, we can download this list. Mhmm. Or we could go look at students who are kinda borderline here in their course scores. Mhmm.

We could look at this table and just you know, if you wanna filter by a course, right, or a specific teacher, you can look at lots of granular student data, maybe, you know, courses are enrolled in, what their submission rate is. So a lot of data we can send in. Nice. Okay. Great.

Thanks. This looks really good. Well, this has been really helpful. You know what? Can we talk about that promotion? Yeah. I'm gonna give you a raise.

Yep. For that? I am. Thank you so much, Carly. You is this a common conversation you all have? This is how your not mine either, but starting starting next week. Alright.

Yeah. So those are just some of the things you can do with admin analytics. Right? Lots of opportunities to drill down into your data. And we also wanna show you a video from one of our K-twelve customers who is using this in a really cool way. This is a relatively short video about a minute and twenty seconds.

Oh, My name is Britney Kumar, and I'm the assistant director for Educational Technology in Bartolm, you consolidated school corporation in Columbus, Indiana. We are fairly new Canvas customers and are very excited about the admin analytics feature for several different reasons. Most specifically, we're excited to be leveraging the graphs, the charts in the really easy date, easy data mining in this tool at our high school level. The admin analytics feature is an amazing resource for our administrative teams. You have hundreds of different classes that are going to be available in the high schools.

And gives them one common data dashboard where they can look at information and decide this is a course where we're seeing a lot of students who might be struggling. When we rolled this out and we had our first training with all of our cohorts as a technology department and I showed everyone the new admin analytics, They were so excited and honestly it was amazing to see them get so excited about something that used to be a little cumbersome in our former learning management system. They were eager to see this is going to save time for them. It's going to save energy and effort. It creates these visuals in these graphs automatically versus having to do data mining and then bring it over into Excel or Google sheets and then try to create those graphs by yourself.

It's all here for you. And as we know, Time is always of the essence in education and anything we can do to save time is a big win for our teachers. Yeah. I mean, I think she says it well better than I could say it. And, that was only a small part of her story, right? So Let me make this big again.

We're gonna post the full link video in the, instructor community. But she's got, like, five minutes on how they're using this. So it's a great resource, and she was open to getting in contact if you wanna talk about the ways that they're using this. Okay. So if you want to try it out, This is available now.

Right? It's a feature option and settings. You can turn this on. You can also try this in your beta environment, if you're interested in that. A couple of you have said, Hey, we really need a single permission for admin analytics before. I see a nod Yep.

Steph, before we turn this on for everyone. Right? We wanna make sure we've got a lot of subaccount admins. We wanna make sure that the people that see this data, you know, have this one permission, right, and we know exactly who they are and what they're getting. And so that is coming this quarter. We heard you.

We know that's important. We wanna what to happen. Thanks. Yeah. No.

This is this is how product development works. Y'all give us the great ideas if we just Do them. We just make it happen. Yeah. Okay.

Alright. We're gonna talk about some things that we're working on for future, and I'm gonna play Matt Cameron. It's a cute vehicle obviously. Yes. I don't think I get to Bill like he does, but, I I have to show you these slides.

Right? We were looking at some things that were planning for the future. There's no guarantee that they're gonna happen, but for spending time and energy on them. We're excited about them. So okay. We're gonna look at a couple of insights, right, that, we're excited about.

There are a couple of things that you commonly ask us for. And so this is where we're starting with insights. Right? The first question we're gonna try to answer for you is which students are struggling in their courses. So which students need attention, and what can I do about it? Alright? I'm gonna show you some Figma files. Right? So these are design files.

One of the things that we know is that Each institution has a different way that they wanna define this. Right? And not just each institution, but each account, frankly, within the institution, Right? For, k twelve institution, your elementary students, or your middle students are not going to have the same kind of criteria that you're high school students would have. And at higher ed, your school of business might have a totally different set of criteria than your biology department. Fair? Okay. So based around, different data points, like current core score, participation, last date of participation, last date of, any activity in a class, right, on time submissions, missing submissions.

Right. Those are some of the criteria that we're looking at. We're gonna let you say, Hey, these thresholds mean a student needs attention. And then you're gonna be able to see. Alright.

If I set this threshold, like and then I can filter my data the way I wouldn't in analytics. Right? I can look at a specific high school or department or a couple of courses. Right? Now I can see the students that need attention. Based on the standard that I've set in the, you know, dataset that I'm looking at. So You can see a couple of things up here.

Right? Like, some hero metrics. You might be interested in students that don't have any course activity, or you wanna drill into that right away. And then you can scroll through this list of students and look at some data about them. Right? You can see the course that they might be in trouble and you can see their current score. And then you can I I'm guessing the next thing you wanna do is go look at a student in the course? Right? So you can drill into that.

And at this point, we're looking at Susan in which course is this Spanish. And we can see some data about her, but we're also seeing data about her in the context of the class. Right? So not just what is her current course grade, but what does that look like in relation to her classmates? Because maybe it's low, but maybe that's what's going on with the rest of the class and somebody's working on a curve. Right? And you can see submissions. And this bottom chart is showing you interactions over time.

And we're gonna compare that to class averages as well. Alright. Something you also have been asking us about is Okay. But how do I know? Like, if the student isn't doing well in this course, maybe I wanna message the student, maybe I wanna message the instructor, But I might wanna get more data around how they're doing in their other courses. So we're gonna look at the students across all of her active courses.

Here's where you can see. Okay. This is kind of an anomaly. So we might wanna talk to the student. We might wanna talk to the student's instructor.

But you've got some action that you can take here. Alright? So that's the first thing we're working on. We've actually had some sessions with folks, at Instructure Con and talked about the different you know, data views here and the criteria that we're looking at. We've gotten lots of good feedback. I'm gonna talk to you about more ways for you to get feedback, after this.

Oops. Okay. So the second question that we get, is how do we know if our courses are ready for the term or the section? Right? We have certain things that we'd like to see in a course, but we don't know if horses need those criteria. Again, right, within even an account, you have different needs for criteria. So we would be talking about setting these at the subaccount level.

K? Criteria for course readiness would be things like, does a core is a course published? Does this course have a syllabus that's visible to students? Are there modules, are there discussions? Right? Those are things that you would set at your discretion. And then you'd see something like this. Right? Some information about which courses are ready and which courses aren't. Maybe each of the criteria that you've selected, you could look at those individually. And then you could see below below is a list of courses that aren't ready.

Right? And you can see that the teachers are enrolled, the emails associated. And this is small. I should have circled this in red, right? But right here is a message instructors who button. Right? So, so you would be able to take action on this data as well. Right? So this is some some work that we're really excited about and we're getting into.

Right? I could actually show you some of this in a beta environment. And if we have time, I will. But we are working on bringing your feedback into this at this point. Right. So, if you are interested in joining us in in alpha, so that would look like you and two of your subaccount admins, we really wanna be inclusive of kind of that whole gamut of folks that are looking at this kind of data at the institution.

So if you wanna join This will send you to a sign up page. I will get that information, and I will include you in our kickoff. Sometime in the next month. Okay. So I will leave this up.

I think our next slide his questions anyway. Yeah. Is that right? Okay. So what do you all think? Interesting work. Was this useful? Helpful.

Awesome. Yeah, we've I think we've got about seven minutes for the top of the hour. So Yeah. I'm happy to take some time. You don't wanna be the first in life for dinner.

Be ready to have, a camera too. Yeah. So, there's a couple of things. So, one, first outreach to your CSM and What we'll do is they'll give you credentials to a sandbox. Sandbox has dummy data, but the point of that process is to just get acclimated with the format, what's coming out, how to, you know, how to connect with the data.

While that's happening, we'll make sure that your current data, for your system that maybe previously been using a CD one, right, that will come in, we'll load it into CD two. And then when you're ready to start plugging in directly to that data, then, then we'll go ahead and give you the credentials for your account. And then then you're off and running. I think the first first step after contacting your CSM, I think, as part of the package of the Sandbox access, there's also getting started guides and, places in the community where you can go to get more information. So I think, you know, I'd say dig into the reading, as soon as you can and definitely reach out to CSM.

So thanks. That's great. Yeah. I'm an instructional designer and for me, student data doesn't mean anything finding course for home state. Mhmm.

You need to consider, you know, the online course of high course of the in person. I need to look at the quiz quizzes aggregate here's the exam. So I can see whether maybe quizzes are are not tough enough, or there's education students who are participating. And to be honestly, a lot of university faculty feel, you know, the students having it's their role to them. So they would not use it.

So is that the pipeline of getting some of that data where we can see how well is the forcible ones? I mean, it's the course of design to the most effective Yeah. So I think yep. Yep. So let me try to summarize x. I don't think I have of it.

So your question is you're interested in seeing you're an instructional designer, right, on the instructional design team. Right? You're interested in seeing how a course is doing with regards to other courses. Other courses. Or how, you know, how get how our students performers on assessment a compared to assessment b. Yeah.

Students in the act also being able to drop zero scores because our universal discount with your students. So our average scores are much lower than the total average because you may have ten percent of the CTV. Yeah. That's tough. There's plenty of cancer.

That's tough. Yeah. So, you know, for some of those cases, right, where it's gonna be a little bit of an outlying scenario. Right? That is where we're really like, alright. That's the work Canvas unit two shines.

Bringing in your data and running those kind of queries -- Mhmm. -- against it. Yeah. I The user tools that we could use instructors could not where we have to go to the RPA to end with. Right.

Because they don't have time to change. Yeah. Yeah. And I I think that's great feedback. I think the the the first step for us, was to help and, you know, in talking to you all to help drive best practices and what we know today of just the basic setup.

That's why that course readiness was sort of the first piece. It's like, you know, do you have modules? You know, right? Yeah. Exactly. And then I think that is a logical progression, though, which is to say now that everyone's on the same, you know, at least starting from a baseline, Now you can look and say, okay, well, you know, design a versus design b or, you know, within the course looking design. So it's it's great feedback.

It's not currently on the road map. We're just this is what's on the road map for, like, the very short term, but I like, I I like that progression. So let's get feedback. Yeah. Oh, sorry.

Yes. Yeah. I'm playing. So I was gonna unique instance where educators do a lot not engaged with the activities. Sometimes they hit.

Students cannot be before. Sometimes they won't certain dates and terms and things like that, and it really depends. How does the analytics affect, or how does the analytics change do they achieve based on the way that somebody can use a course where you have a lot of choices. Yeah. We have, a course status in there that's concluded courses.

Okay. Right? So you can see, if that's happening, quite a bit. You can see that. And you can look at that within a term. Right? If you have a group of course start dates that you wanna look at, they're like, if you've got courses that started last month, then they're some concluded courses in there.

It might be worth contacting those folks. Right? So you can see that in the data. It's a it's a good question. Sure. Grad date, how many credits earned? Are they a person that's just looking to Mhmm.

Yeah. So as part of the data pipeline that I talked about earlier, extensibility is something that you know, a core principle. We're we're building an ingest API right now that the first and foremost, the use cases, our own products is to make sure we can get funnel, right, for you who all have bundles or using multiple products. We, we do have, vision and strategy because we've heard from you all that, being able to combine SIS data and LMS data is critical. Not, you know, we're not really talking about the the the data warehouse I'm trying to replace the big data teams and analytics teams.

This is for the day to day admins who just need that one bit more of context of contextual data. So we wanna make sure we don't get over our skis and, you know, become a data warehousing company. That's not our goal. But we we are looking at SIS data as a sort of another key data data component. So, just know we've been thinking about it as and I didn't hear you.

So and we have it looks like one more minute. So can I give you one more question then? Yeah. Good question. So we would absolutely we're really pushing folks to get off of CD one this year. Because there's two reasons for it.

The first reason is that, is that we believe that the benefits of CD two far outweigh, maybe the the struggle that, you know, the the heavy the lift to migrate from, And they, just from a stability, scalability, extensibility, and the developer flexibility is it's just so much more powerful. We're really pushing folks to get off this year. Secondly, as you can all imagine, we're running two data pipelines and our teams have to maintain both pipelines while we're running them. And so the less that we can spend maintaining CD one, the less time, the more time we can be developing features here. So so that's why, you know, I encourage everyone to talk to your teams, reach out to your CSM, raise your hand and say, okay, let's, you know, let's start the process.

And Again, if there are more tools we could use to help, you know, make it easier, then let us know and, you know, we're we're here to support that process. So, yeah, thanks. Yes. Twelve thirty one. Yeah.

It's the it's the current date. Thanks. Yeah, come on up if you want. Thanks all everybody. Appreciate it.

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