Case Studies
Case Studies
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- Learn how Clemson University provides 24/7 educational support for students.
- Learn how Penn-Harris-Madison Schools took its digital curriculum to the next
- See how Canvas enabled Navigate-NIDES to advance its online learning initiatives
- This new Canvas LMS-integrated archiving platform backs up and secures aging
- Explore the impact of Canvas LMS, Virtual Virginia, and Amazon Future Engineers.
- Oconomowoc Area School District switched from Google Classroom to Canvas LMS to
- VUU sought an LMS that could handle third-party integrations seamlessly. They
- See how Harding University's implementation of Canvas LMS allowed them to build
- Learn how Utah Valley University used an LTI integration to bring Microsoft
- Learn how Canvas allows this elite business school to "turn off the old system"
- See why Brown University chose Canvas to meet its long-term learning needs.
- Discover how Springfield Public Schools realized the benefits of educational
- Learn how Rockingham County Schools powered its mobile learning initiative with
- Learn why Mohawk College switched to Canvas to improve students' experience and