Impact 101


Impact by Instructure helps higher education institutions improve technology adoption and evaluate the impact of educational technology, all while increasing support options and providing targeted communications. With insightful dashboards and dynamic reporting, Impact helps make faculty and administrators aware of the tools available to them and how these tools can help improve learning and teaching.

Video Transcript
[MUSIC PLAYING] NARRATOR: Supporting student and teacher success takes time and resources, especially when it comes to using technology. Administrators need tools that can help drive the adoption and utilization of Canvas LMS, and other edtech apps. That's where Impact comes in. Impact by Instructure gives administrators insights around technology usage, and interaction. These insights highlight learning opportunities for faculty and students, all while accelerating adoption. Let's take a closer look.

Administrators can use the insights dashboard to see user activity and trends around usage and tool adoption. Impact gives a comprehensive bird's eye view of not only how teachers and students are currently interacting with their edtech tools, but also areas for improvement. Educators can then use these insights to launch targeted messages to drive awareness and adoption in the form of campaigns. Campaigns are customizable targeted interventions. They help your admin and faculty differentiate their student support and campus communications.

Messages can highlight specific instructional strategies, address students' needs, and share information about institutional initiatives. For students, receiving targeted in-app messages that suggest ways to better engage in courses allows them to stay on track while never missing a beat. Giving them more time to focus on building skills. Differentiated support means more equitable achievement for all. Once a messaging campaign has been set, its effectiveness is measured with the insight's dashboard or by viewing course level interactions with handy Impact course reports.

Engagement data empowers educators with information about their courses. Beyond increasing adoption and engagement, Impact makes a big difference in how support is delivered. It's never off hours for Impact's 24/7 support center. Meaning, your campus support system is elevated and your help desk breathes a sigh of relief. On page support is your first line of defense establishing a self help culture that results in a reduced time to resolution by an average of 75%.

Harnessing the power of technology goes hand in hand with the work that institutions put into training, communication, instructional design, and support. Impact's insightful dashboards, dynamic reporting, and communication features help to ensure that campus edtech is used to its fullest. This way, everyone succeeds. Enhance your experience with Instructure Learning Platform and complement your tech suite with Impact, your digital transformation control center. Learn more at instructure. com/higher education.