CanvasCon Sydney 2019 Reflections

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*Editor's note: This blog post is from the Kristin School in Auckland, New Zealand. It is republished with permission.

CanvasCon, the yearly Canvas conference was held last month in Sydney. There were over 900 attendees from 6 countries in the Asia/Pacific region. We met with other K-12 schools and learned so much from their sharing. These are our top 5 reflections.

1. Consistent Approach

The schools that are leading Canvas innovations are those that have a whole school approach to teaching and learning. Canvas is a tool used to support teaching and learning innovation at these schools, and is not an innovation tool on its own.

2. Flexible Learning

The vision for Canvas is that it is a tool that will support flexible learning. As a company they are continuing to build partnerships with big companies like Microsoft and Google. They are continuing to develop tools to support differentiation for all learners.

3. Professional Learning

Schools have recognised that while Canvas is an easy to use tool, continual PL is key for seamless integration with the curriculum. Many schools use Canvas as a community hub for PL, and have Canvas Leaders who are able to work 1:1 with teachers in their classrooms. 

4. Student Experience

Research has shown that students who continually receive formative feedback perform better on assessment tasks. Canvas has amazing built in tools to be able to provide students with this type of feedback. Feedback can be given in text, audio and even video formats.

5. Collaboration & Community

Canvas has an amazing community of learners both off and online. There are groups specific to K-12, our region and interests. You can join in at

Everyone is so willing to share - all you have to do is ask!


Keep learning,

Sara Frizelle, PhD

Head of Digital Learning Innovation, Kristin School


Nicole Timmins

Year 2 Teacher, Kristin School

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