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- Dive into the highlights from this year's edtech extravaganza.
- Get ready for InstructureCon 2024, an event dedicated to exploring the future…
- Learn why Howard Community College uses Canvas Outcomes for systemic, reliable…
- Relive the journey at InstructureCon 22 by checking out the top three sessions…
- In her InstructureCon 2022 keynote, Simone Giertz emphasized the importance of…
- In his keynote, Adam Grant shares his insights on many topics sure to spark…
- Canvas courses have to be accessible for students with disabilities. But, how…
- We are excited to kick off our annual InstructureCon celebration! Here is…
- What a year it's been! To cap off 2022, we're sharing a glimpse into…
- Here's your UDL checklist and best practices for building equitable…
- A recap of Carrie Gardner and Lindsey Hallett’s InstructureCon session where…
- A recap of Philip Jarosz and Joi Chimera’s InstCon session in which they share…
- Learn how University of Michigan’s Wolverine Pathways program uses Canvas LMS…
- Learn best practices for using five foundational Canvas LMS tools to build…
- Daisy Bennett, Instructure's Privacy Officer, is sharing Instructure'…