Student Monitor Tools: Creating Channels for Intervention or Advancement Purposes


During the pandemic, our district worked with Instructure to create the Student Monitor Tool within our Canvas LMS. This tool allows our secondary sites to track students' grades easily and create "Channels" for intervention and/or advancement purposes.

Video Transcript
We'll start with introductions. Well, first of all, this is student monitor hopefully you're in the right place. This is, creating channels for intervention or advancement per purposes inside of Canvas. So, that's what this is. My name is Stephanie Avra. I am the chief technology officer for Capestrone Unified School District.

I've been with the district for twenty three years now. Fifteen of those were, as a teacher. I taught fourteen years before that, so I taught for a total of twenty nine years before I moved to the, technology department in our district. And I slow I started out as a Tosa and slowly moved my we happen, and somehow found myself as a chief technology officer starting in January of this year. So I'll pass it on to my partner.

Okay. Hi. I'm Karen Scott. I've been with Capistrano for just starting my twenty six year in the classified, side of the house the entire time. Starting from school site tech support and then office, positions, registrar attendants, multitude of, positions.

And then I moved over to the technology department, ten years ago. And or actually, excuse me, thirteen years And now I am the director of information services and assessment for Capistrano. If you don't know about Capistrano, just give you a little bit of snapshot of where where it is, who we are, we're in South Orange County, California. And we have about forty three thousand students. We're slowly declining enrollment about a couple years ago.

We were closer to forty eight thousand. We have about two thousand teachers, fifty nine schools, and we cover two hundred square miles, which is about seven cities, which makes us a pretty unique district in that, to get from one school to the furthest school away could be a forty five minute drive. So the first thing I'm going to talk about that will lead to talking about the student monitor is transitioned to canvas. And how many of you transitioned to canvas over during twenty twenty, twenty twenty one during the pandemic? Yeah. I think there were a lot of us.

It was a rush to get into a platform that was had a central dashboard. And so we did not have that beforehand. In fact, we had no LMS for elementary student elementary teachers at all. We just had one for six through twelfth. And it did not have a central dashboard.

So we had to transition, in June of twenty twenty, that we made the decision to go with Canvas, And in August twenty twenty, we, implemented, pre k through twelve district wide canvas. And that may seem like a short timeline. It was an extremely short timeline. I often say it was the worst six week of my life because it was moving every teacher, student, class, everything from no dashboard or to a dashboard, and then teaching all those teachers how to do it virtually, you know, was probably one of the most impossible feats ever for any of us that went through that that process. And we had the first full year implementation in the year twenty twenty, twenty twenty one.

We were partially virtual that year, partially back in the classroom. And so it was a some teachers felt they had to use it because they were still virtual. Some teachers who went back to the classroom pretty early on chose to use it, some chose not to use it. We have a hundred percent, of our secondary teachers using canvas now or six through twelve teachers, hundred percent use it. Our K through five, not as high a percentage.

We're working on that. We like to try to train them to use them now. We call it not their COVID canvas. So, maybe it's a little bit more appealing to them, but You know, no fault of theirs. It was just really shoved down their throats, you know, and very quickly, and it was a very steep learning curve.

And so we're we're getting having them come along, and it's not as natural to them as it is for the secondary teachers who already had a an LMS. After the first full year of implementation, we were getting Karen and I, especially, at the time I was director at tech. We were getting a lot of feedback from our teachers, from our administrators. We need this. We need this.

We need this. It doesn't have it what our old LMS had. We need reports. Reports. Reports.

We need and Canvas is did not have the reports that we needed. We needed to see how many kids were, scoring at it below a d or an f. A whole, you know, whole school worth. And I know they have some reports you can pull pull, but for an administrator at the site, it wasn't convenient. And so we got the directive from our superintendent at the time, fix it and fix it now.

Make it like it was in the old LMS. And so we met with, Canvas development team, the custom development team, and we explained what we needed. Karen and I were just the that liaised on between us and the custom dev team. And we explained what we w wanted and over the summer of twenty twenty One, we came up with this, what they call a statement of work, an SOW, with Canvas on on what we wanted. And they said, gave us a timeline and said it's going to cost this much and it's gonna take us an entire year to get it done.

Meanwhile, our superintendent was like, when is it going to be done? When is it going to be done? Is it done? And we're we're trying to explain to her that if you're going to spend this much money on something, it should not be done this fast. Otherwise, you kinda got taken a little bit. So what I will say was working with the Canvas, custom dev team was probably the best experience when going through this because They gave us a timeline, and they said, you have this many hours. We have this many hours to complete it. And every week, they would show us how many hours they spent on it, and how much it was costing us.

And so every week, we knew where our balance was, what our budget was, and we could also go in there and when they would show us what they've done. We say, well, can we do this? And they'd be like, yeah, we can tweak it and and change it. And there were many revisions along the way. And they were an incredible team to work with in in making sure that everything came to fruition. And in fact, we they finished, probably four months early.

And so we were able to implement it, towards towards the spring of twenty twenty two And then, we were able to show everybody at the sites, which is a huge experience for them. And and a great, thing for our district as well. Just our first year of Canvas implementation, you know, we were virtual until September, October of twenty twenty. We were one of the very first districts in California to bring our kids back to school in person. But it wasn't everybody.

You had the option to stay virtual. So it was a very hybrid situation. So teachers had to teach virtually and in person at the same time. So not only did we expect our teachers to learn how to teach virtually, but then we want them to balance the students are in the classroom as well. So very tricky and very, daunting task for our teachers.

We had a lot of students not showing up. A lot of students not showing up. We had the missing reports that we wanted from our LMS, to kind of identify these students and figure out what was going on. We created lots of workarounds inside of Canvas, but it was all very clunky, and it and it took a lot of time, and it was there was a ton of frustration with us and with the administrators at this So in the second year, we, this is kind of what I said before, but we met with the Canvas customization team We planned and created the statement of work. We had the weekly meetings with them in February of twenty twenty two.

Instead of, like, the end of the year, we had a beta testing of this student monitor, which would means that Karen and I got in there and could see exactly what it looked like. And fill it out and practice it, and then give our feedback and ask for revisions. There were lots of adjustments and additions in then by the spring of twenty two twenty two, we had our final product. Alright. So some of the, products that we ended up getting from our LMS that we were on was school loop.

And they had a lot of features that it took us a long time to get the teachers on that LMS. So once we transitioned off, they were all screaming. Put us back on the other one because it had messaging. It had all these different ways and reports. To, identify students who were struggling.

So a few other things that we did was we created channels we created a my courses section, a grade report, and then also messaging. And so the first one with the channels, this is one of the best ones that we really have. We have not only a high priority channel for every, school. It runs nightly and anybody who has less than seventy percent in two of their classes automatically gets placed in the high priority channel. So really easy to go ahead and go on that channel for your school and export any information or just check out particular students to see what is going on with them.

And then you can also do district wide channels or private channels. So teachers can make their own channels if they have groups of kids they wanna watch. And what's nice is they can do all kinds of messaging and, print reports and that type of thing on particular students. And so one of the other parts we had too, which we're gonna show you in a little bit is the my courses section. So the teachers are able click on, we have this icon as on our menu on the student monitor, and they can click on their courses.

Once they are in there on the courses, We have not been using the grade, grade book in our, student system, which is Ares, So for years, we've had to have a way for grades to be exported out of the other system and into our student system. So we needed to have that. We need to have an opportunity for them to be able to put in workout bid citizenship really easily on a grading period and then have it ready so that the registrars at the schools would be able to pull them in, and process grades. And then the other part was we needed, a report that they could run not only to show the students that were less than seventy percent in a certain number classes. They have the option to choose how many, but also which students have more than two zeros, three zeros.

They could pick the number that they wanted to run. And quickly be able to get down to their students. But then they also have a side little menu that they can jump straight to that student and see what are they struggling in with the other teachers so that they can collaborate with other teachers that maybe they're struggling with? Their learning team and a few other options. So I'll get to that next one there. One one other thing I wanna report on the the courses is that, we heard a lot of, feedback from our teachers that they had to do grades in canvas, but then they had to do work habits and citizenship and comments in Ares and it was just two different places, and we they wanted one place.

And so we wanted to, you know, make sure that their job was easier and and so they only had to go to one place to do work habit citizenship grades, and then they're done. And so and by the way, this is just for our six through twelve grade teachers. This is not for elementary. Our elementary does, standards based grades, so it does not work in Canvas. Alright.

And then they also have a really nice, PDF that anybody can go ahead and spool up on a student, especially if they're going into an IEP or an SST, they have all the information there that also includes the, learning team. So they wanted, especially because in the other system, they were able to easily send out messages to people that were in their class as well and and include staff members and that type of thing. So we created what we called the learning team. So automatic every teacher of a student would be automatically placed on the learning team, and then anybody observing them, was automatically, which was usually their parents as the learning team. And then in Canvas, the teachers can go ahead and add anybody else that my be, on the learning team as well.

So they have an option of going ahead and emailing the students. They can do the whole team. They can do the student and the parent and just a really easy way for them to message. And so let's go ahead. Get out of here.

So now we're gonna go into our actual instance to show you what it looks like. We do have a fake class setup, but, so we don't have students in our Canvas right now because school hasn't started. Right. So this is what our dashboard looks like as our fake teacher And they added the menu down here. Let me get this pump down here.

I'm not a Mac user. Let's see if we can get that up there. I'm just trying to get down to the monitor. There it is. Yeah.

So once we're in the monitor Sorry. It's gonna be slow. This gives you an idea what the student monitor looks like. So a teacher, we can go in at the district level. We can run it for a particular school or we can run it district wide.

If we want for a particular, level. So the teachers also have this access. They have the channels. They have the my courses and the grade report. So here are the high priority channels.

When we come in as a district, we can see all of the different schools, and we can go ahead and pull up the channel. This one right now doesn't have any students because we're not in there. But normally, all of the students will be here, and there's a, icon here to click on that student. Here on the courses, these are my fake kids, so I can go ahead and go in here. So this will show you what the teacher sees.

This copies over the grades, from their grade book. And so this is where they can come in and do their citizenship. They can also jump in over here and click on this if they wanna look at a particular student. And in here, it would list the, learning team, any channel the student was in, any zero that the student has, that's where they can generate the PDF, and then also their courses. So it would list all their courses and all their grades with their teacher information.

And then the quick link to email, we've been trying to get the monitor to work during the summer and we have not had any luck. So this one's not gonna pop back up. One thing about that is zeroes PDF. What our teachers were using it for is for intervention. So they would print out the zeros of the students that they had in tutorial or intervention and they would just print it out and know that, okay, this is what it says in Canvas.

These are all your zeros. And so it was right in front of them. So it was easy to access. Otherwise, they would have had to go to each class to try to find out how many zeros they had in each class. And so that zero PDF was, super valuable.

Let me get in here. Yeah. So when they click on here, they can go ahead and click on, this over here, and they have the choice, choice to bulk assign work habits and citizenship so they can go ahead and give everybody o's if they want, and then just go back and change anybody that is s or u. And then once they do that, everyone is assigned. Let's go ahead and do this.

And so everybody now, and we forgot the comment codes are there too. We'll go back here. Oh, yeah. That one's just for the citizenship. Sorry.

And the work habit here, they can come in and give comments. So every comment that we have on our student information system, they are able to come in here and give as many comments as they want. So they can choose any of the comments here and just go ahead and add them. Those they cannot mass, add to the student. Teachers now just do all their grades within Canvas.

They do all their work habits, citizenship, everything. And then the, academic advisor or the registrars at the sites transfer everything for them. They export everything and transfer it into Ares for them. And then what we found too going through is, at our secondary schools, they do, six week, twelve week, and then final grades. So we have, something built in there that we're able to put dates in.

And then the system automatically drops the prior marks the citizenship marks so that they will start fresh and they can go ahead on the next grading period and be ready to go. And this whole process of creating this, it was a constant, like, back and forth between us and the custom dev team of, like, well, no, I wanna see this. And, like, Oh, I want it to be this color or I want it to be, you know, this font. And and we had what was nice is we had say in everything. And so, and they made that really understandable to us.

And so we would look at something and say, no, that's not going to work. We need to change it, or we need, you know, different types of reports. We need grading periods. We our middle schools are different grading periods than our high schools are. So we had to set that up and make sure that worked you know, perfect.

Let's move along. So let me go see if there's anything else in here that I wanted to be able to show them. Yes. So they can also go ahead in here to, I have also a linked, PDF. In the channels, they have the option to go ahead and come, come here and come, add a new channel.

They can go ahead and choose what channel type they want if they want it private or school wide. They can go ahead and name what they want, to call it. And then once they do, I'm just gonna say channel, and they can put a description, and then they can go ahead and save. And then once they have that, they have the option go ahead and hand add, particular students in there. They can upload a CSV.

They can add the staff members, anybody that's a staff member in their school that's in Canvas can be added to a channel. So if they have co teachers or something, they can work together and have the channel access, which is nice. So, and they're able to message from that. I've seen teachers use this by putting all their EL students in a channel. Keep them, track them on on a channel.

I've seen them put all their students with IEPs in a channel, put all the students that are an avid in a channel. I mean, the the possibilities are limitless or just, you know, I now after school club, you know, I I want to put them in a in a channel. They could do So any kind of channel they want to create, but that high priority channel is automatically populated every night and synced every night. So It's an automatic update on who is who is, has those ds in two or more classes. And our and our counselors and school side people have also, gotten really creative and they've created their own counselor section with their students in it, which goes up every night so that they have the ability to go ahead and create a channel for their students so that if they wanna message them all, They have a ninth grade, a tenth grade eleventh grade, twelfth grade at the high schools that they send out, particular messages that relate to that grade level.

Show. I think in your I was hoping you could see what that looked like with all their grades, but basically this This looks, I don't wanna follow-up this stage. It looks great because you have all their courses. If you go back to the courses tab, Karen, not that anything's gonna show, but they would have all the courses and all their grades and how many zeros they have for each zero for each grade for each course in a minute's notice. And so it's it's so much better.

And then that PDF that they can print of the zeros, when they first did it, when they first created it for us, canvas, it was coming out all by by, by date. And we show this to teachers, and they said, we want it by subject. We want it by content level, by subject level. And so all the math would come up and then all and then by, date within the subject level. So all these iterations were, you know, over a year.

And, we're still working with them. We still have an a new SOW with them working on still tweaking it a little bit more. But, our experience has been great. And we just wanted to share that we didn't know that this was possible with Canvas that you could work with the dev team to customize something within Canvas that your district may need. It wasn't inexpensive.

I'll tell you that much, but we use COVID money And we probably never have that kind of money again. So, it would we used it in a worthwhile manner. Yeah. And so here, they have the option of emailing anybody related to the student. And then on the learning team, they can come over here and they can actually copy emails.

And then go ahead and go out to a email and paste them in and send a message. So I have a few other screenshots that we were able to go in here. So that we were able to blur out, and we'll have this attachment. If you guys are interested in it, it's attached on the last slide. But this base is gonna take you through the different channel screens.

This shows you right here. Let me see if we can make this bigger. Yeah. So this is the screen that shows you, like, this is one student, and you can see all of his while his grades would show up, and then if he had any zeros. And so that's, what our teachers really wanted, and our admins wanted to see as well.

Yep. And then this one here is just a screenshot of what it looks like when they have a zero and which assignment, what what was the date of the assignment, We've got the other ones in here. These are just our screenshots of our groups. And then when we get down, I thought we had one in here. It was this one.

This was where we were able to, just show all of the different screens that were there. But, anyways, it's been an venture. We're still working with them right now because one of the hardest parts is the student monitor because it's a custom is separate from the permissions that are inside of Canvas. So everybody that needs permission has to go through the nightly upload to get permission. So that's one thing we're working on right now is trying to get it to where we can just, add somebody in Canvas if they need permission because we're running into a lot of, situations where they're split between two schools.

And the HR system only has them listed under one school. So we have to do these nightly workarounds coding hard coding their ID into a script to send them up. So that's where we're kinda looking at right now to try and finish that up. Yep. I think that's it.

Is are there any questions It's kind of quick. I know, but, you know, we were hoping to have all kinds of little handouts. We had it set up before the end of the school year. And then as soon as the terms ended, it kinda froze and wiped out all of our information. So I'm gonna come back.

You talk about what's this on? Can you talk about the, I guess cooperation between your vendor for your student system and grabbing those grades. Yeah, what we on that, yeah, we had, we always had before where they were able to import data from school loop into our SIS. There's a part called import data to Ares. Where the we were able to sign up permissions for our site users to import. And so what we found with with this, we had our programming team build something in house.

They've created, what they call Ares customs, and that's where we can, paste in a SQL query that's difficult for them to run at the at the school level, and they can go do different things. So they're able to go into our Ares customs go to the grade import. It's all ties to, the student information system and the fields that are in that system. And so it already knows what marking period we're in. And if the marking period dates wrong, it's not gonna let them import.

So they have a certain amount of time. They come in. They have the option to only import d's or f's because we do have those marking periods, progress report periods at the, middle schools that they only do d's and f's. And so it'll allow them to just bring in the d's and f's, and they don't have to strip everything else out of the, the spreadsheet that comes over. So it's worked out to be a really nice feature.

And then we also have a log. They can override grades. They cannot override grades. So it's a nice feature to have. I have a couple of quick questions, and I apologize if, we're just in the process of evaluating Canvas.

So if we'd already implemented it, we might know the answer to these. The first one is is is this entire student monitor thing custom or is is there any part of this that you get when that comes with Canvas? This is unique to our district. So nobody else will see that student monitor icon, except for our district. Yeah. Yes.

Okay. And the the second question is in your contract with Canvas for this custom development, Are there any protections for when Canvas upgrades their software from time to time might it break the integrations with the custom work that's been created and and how is that dealt with? Yeah. And they've been really responsive on anything that hasn't worked. Most everything has worked every once in a while, there's been a little quirk, that we've had to go, hey, something broke, and it's grading period, hurry up, and fix it, and they've been really responsive as far as getting back to us and fixing something, especially if it's right at a grading period where we're like, we need this to work. And then there was a few things that we noticed, in the, settings of the teacher's section, they have to have the grading scheme button check in order for it to show up in the monitor.

So there's been some learning curves that we went along with, but, we kinda rolled through twenty two twenty three relatively easy without any, bumps. And we and and they and we, pay a hosting charge for this. So that's continual. So that we have to pay to for them to continue to host it and continue to to maintain it for us. So it's a nominal fee.

It's I think it's less than twenty thousand dollars a year. For well, we use we could use it for all forty three thousand students, but we use it just for our middle school and high school. So about twenty five thousand. The students if the question was, do the students have access to the report? No. The students do not have access.

They don't ever even see the student monitor. Button on their, dashboard. So they they don't see it. That was a big concern when we first rolled it out. They're like, wait, can students see We're like, no.

No. No. They can't see it. It's just it's just teachers and admins. Yeah.

And we were able to script, the permit for the monitor based on job roles for the most part. So we only gave the permissions to who we want and then also to their particular school that they have permission to. So we just came into a few workarounds where on the ones that work at more schools. We end up having to give them permission right now to all of our secondary schools, which is not ideal. But that's the only way we can get it to work for them.

So we have to do these few one offs, and we keep thinking, oh, it's a one off, but now we're like forty off. So we're were trying to go ahead and get that part fixed. What was nice though is when we did set up the timeline with Canvas, we rolled out pieces and chunks. So we were able to go ahead on the first piece and start looking at channels and then looking at the grading period. So each time one part of the features were done, Stephanie and I would get the link to go ahead and start going in and testing and making sure that everything was working the way we expected it to.

And so as soon as that was there, then it took maybe like a week after that, and then they were able to roll out that piece for our group to start using. And so it was nice to be able to at least give people something as we were going through that school year, especially, to be able to report in meetings with our superintendent and say, here, this is what's here now. Look, there's zero reports ready. And then the final piece was the grading, piece with this citizen, citizenship stuff. In there.

And so that was the really nice part because now they can pretty much do everything and more than they were able to do in the last, elements that we had. Last question for me. What kind of balance is there between work that has to be done by the the Canvas developers versus how much are your in house folks able to do in terms of, quick projects or maybe even a quick one off thing on top of student monitors. Is that even possible? Or does that all have to go through the Canvas developers or Could you talk to that dynamic a little bit? Yeah. Since this was custom developed, any changes or fixes that have to be done, they have to do on their back end is not anything we can control unless they put some kind of permission.

And they're like, they gave us a date range to plug in for our, grading periods for the high school. And that that point, when did we want the citizenship and work habits and comments to be erased for the grading period. So there's a couple little things that we have control of. Otherwise, we have to reach out and have them fix something. But so far, like, once it was up and running, it's really been working other than we can't get it to work in the summer when we basically have all the terms are over and the students are inactive and that type of stuff.

So And and our tickets go straight to the custom dev team. Like, they know they don't go to the regular canvas folks because if I were to put in a support ticket for this into just regular canvas, they'd be like, I have no idea what you're talking about. So I'd have to make sure send it to the custom dev team and they'd be Oh, okay. They know what to do. Yes.

It looked like one of those channels was labeled MTSS And I'm wondering if you can speak to how you use this product for that program. Yep. And so that was one of my, my test channels, but the sites are are creating their empty SS groups. So they have students in, certain classes with, MTSS teachers is what they're calling. So they have extra support in math and ELA.

And so they can go in and create their own channels so that they can quickly monitor are the students getting, you know, doing better in their classes? Are they doing worse in their classes? Do we need to do additional items, plus having the high priority channel to see if there's any new students they want to add into the program. So it's been working really well. The site people love the channels and being able to just create one on the fly, even if it's just a private one for the teacher to have, for an after school program that she wants to have or a homework club or something they can do that. I'd like to follow-up on that. So when they create their MTSS channel, are they able to select from, the interventions that they're doing for the students and the frequency so you run reports on all of that.

Yes. They can add their students in from their school. And, whoever they want in a list, so they can either run a query out of the students, system and then upload the file. All they need to do is have their student, ID and upload the list. And then they can add and remove students as they need to.

And same thing, they can add staff members and remove them as they need and then they can assign other staff members to be in there if they want them to be able to control the channel. So when they create a channel, the and they and they went to manually add the contacts or the or the students, the whole list of the entire school is listed there. So they can and it's just they can start typing in the name and the name will populate. And so it's not or they can upload a CSV file if they want to, if they have a list of the student IDs. So it's they've made it really easy.

And they, just to add on to the MTSS, at our all of our middle schools and high schools, at our elementary as well, but since this is just for our secondary, we have intervention classes, enter two tutorials, and they're using this just to keep track of those kids. And making sure that they're moving progressing forward instead of just falling through the cracks like they were for the last couple of years during co So that's that was the whole purpose of this entire project. Let's just make it easily visible to everybody. Got one on that today. Well, I think I think I can shout.

Okay. Go ahead. Yes. And her rules and how it all works. And, like, do you have an idea of what the initial scope was it in the hours? What's it that look like? I don't We we worked with the well, we worked first with our CSM, you know, and she connected us with the custom development team.

And so one manager of the custom dev team Abby, was her name. She was phenomenal, but she's no longer working there. But she she was our person. For the custom dev team. And so she connected everything.

So she would talk to the the people that were creating it, and then would bring it back to us then bring them in when they needed to hear what exactly we wanted. And would keep track of the hours for us in saying we used you know, sixty hours this week, this is how much you have left, because they gave us a ballpark of what they thought it was going to cost, and Was it five hundred hours initially, I think? I can't remember how many hours. Close to five hundred hours is however many we had. So we were the weekly meetings we we had with him was great because we were like, okay. Can you tell us how much are reburning down? How much did you guys do on this? And within the dev team, then there was different pockets of people that worked on, specialties, depending on who was doing what.

So then it would work with one group. And then when we were done with that piece, then we might transition to another group, but we were always had Abby as our, point of contact. And now we've had, multiple different people that we've worked with. So they always assign a dev manager. And then that person kinda works behind the scenes with their group.

And then we met weekly for a long time. And then if there was nothing we really needed to meet about, but they were just gonna be working on fixing the product, then we might not meet for a month. And then we would go back to weekly, meetings again, and then we'd they'd say, okay. You're gonna when can you guys be, available to jump in the and beta test. And so luckily, it really kinda fell one time on Thanksgiving break.

So we were like, sweet, we're working Thanksgiving break. It's fine. Christmas break. We also ended up coming up. So it was really a nice time that we were able to go in and just test.

And we would pull up everyone, and we would test a student, and we'd go back and take a look. Is everything carrying over because all of those grades have to carry over from the grade books. And so, along the way just finding those little nuances. Like, it's coming up with nobody in a sec. Go back.

And no matter how many times we tell the teachers, make sure you checked that box, they'd said, I did, and we'd go in there, and it wasn't checked. And as soon as you did that, then it came right up. So we luckily, our lead, support person has figured out, an API script that he can run that every time before a grading period he runs it and makes sure that box is for everybody. So Another thing that was nice about, like, having the hours, like, we realized probably in I don't know, December or January, that we were going to have hours left over. They were going to finish it within the, the amount that they gave us And they said, we can either just not use all the hours and you won't won't have to pay as much, or we can do more stuff.

I said, we're doing more stuff. We got the money. I'm not telling anybody at the superintendent's side that I could have done this for and don't tell anybody, but we used every dime and even a I went tracking us for a little bit more. But, so we got more things added. I'm like, well, what would this cost if you did this? And so they would do a statement of work, and they would come back, and I'm like, okay, we'll do that for twelve thousand dollars, you know, and things like that.

So that was phenomenal. Like, right now, we're doing another one that's gonna cost fifteen thousand two hundred to add another thing to this. But, but the bulk of it is done, and now it's just refining it. What was nice too is, when they write up the statement of work, then we would all, come together in a meeting online, and we would go line per line of the statement of work and make sure we were capturing every single thing we had asked them we wanted and how it was gonna happen and where it was gonna happen and where it linked to because sometimes one area couldn't be worked on because it was kinda carrying over to another area. So it was really nice to be able to go back and say, hey, I don't see this piece that we talked about, and then they would go out back and, edit it.

And, we would make sure that we didn't lose out on anything that we asked for. Really quick due to the the broadness of the accessibility that you made it sound like, you know, lots of people have access to this. And the fact that you can override some grades, is there a history or a log of changes that get made or reports that get run-in this? In here, the overriding of grades happens in the student information system. But we have in SQL, we have, the log that shows exactly who did it. When did they do it? What button did they check? Did they check the overhead button, or did they not? We're actually dealing with one of them right now.

They're like, there's a whole bunch of grades from the end of the year that are wrong for this teacher. So we were able to go back on the log and see, oh, she didn't click she was good doing it for the third time. She didn't click the override any existing grades button, and that's why the grades didn't get updated. So We we don't let them override in Canvas. They they want to override.

It has to be done in Ares. Yeah. So we learned that lesson. Yes. Hi.

I have a couple of questions. So, who did business, analysis for this and captured requirements with that done mostly on your side, or did Canvas help with that as well. And also regarding maintenance, it's clear that you can add other features But is there anything in your agreement regarding long term maintenance, like, if things break and such, or technology just, like, changes and develop Yep. As of right now, like in the beginning, Stephanie and I were getting a lot of feedback from principals and counselors and site users saying it's missing this. It doesn't do this.

We really need it to do this. So we started to capture it and then we would meet with teachers and principals especially the loudest voices of telling us exactly why they hated it, and they just put us right back on school lip and we're like, that's not gonna happen. So let's figure out what you need and how we can get it accomplished. So we did that right now. There's really not any maintenance that we have to do other than right now.

We the the dates we want to cleanse the comment codes in citizenship and the, the work habits. Other than that, it just it flows. Like, as soon as the school year starts and we have those dates set up with the terms there, we go along. The biggest quirk we've had, and it's mainly been with our middle schools is when they decide, they're in a grade book, and it's kinda just the way the canvas. If they switch something and said, oh, I made it a year.

It went into canvas as a semester is year, and they go, oh, it was first quarter. And they switch it midway through, and it kinda, messes up with the grades. But it's the grade book and the grade monitor. So it's been really training everybody that if it's a quarter class, then you need to choose the grading period, you know, for second, third, or fourth quarter. And then it refreshes because every quarter they start fresh, they don't carry in over marks to the next quarter.

And and the question about, like, maintenance or if technology changes, I guess we'll see. Like, we don't know. We're year two into this. And so We were instructed to do something by our superintendent. We we did it within Canvas.

I Canvas is not going to go away in our district. As long as I'm CTO, but and and it will to change an LMS is a monstrous task. And once you change it and we have a hundred percent, participation with our secondary schools, there's no reason to change it. Unless something happens to instructure, which I hope nothing happens, we we're not planning to change ever. Or until I retire.

Yeah. Exactly. Tell we both retire before two. Yeah. Any other questions? We have two minutes left.

I can't believe nobody asked me how much it cost. Did anybody wanna know how much it costs? It was four hundred fifty thousand dollars. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. And a year's worth of time, but in a year's worth of time. Satisfied the school sites, and they have been praising now that they have everything they need to monitor students and message them and email them, and it's been really nice with the learning teams automatically placed on each student, so it's been good, including the counselors as well. Thank you. Yes. Thank you for coming.

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