September Your Ideas + Our Expertise Webinar Recording

Video Transcript
Thank you all for taking time to join us today to talk about, not just CBE, but but our ability at in structure to meet that need in a variety of ways. We've got a heck of a panel to be able to to chat with you all today. Myself. My name is Jason Rictor. I work at Instructure currently as a custom development director. My counterpart, Helen Hansen, who you can see on video here waving, He's gonna be answering chat.

So if you've got questions, he's gonna be able to hit up all of that, along with me is yet another Jason, Jason Gildner, If you don't know anything about Instructure, if you call any of us, Jason, you got about a one and four shot of getting it correct. It's just kinda how we are over here. And then from Chaffee College who's gonna be sharing their, custom initiative that's being, launched there right now, Doctor Matt Moore and doctor Traley Soglazotov. We're gonna be talking about, custom tool that was built to help manage their particular vision of CBE at scale. So I'm gonna go ahead and get moving in this webinar kinda like this.

A quick disclaimer. So I understand that CBE has been quite a buzzword for quite some time. I come from the classroom. It was a classroom instructor for ten years before being an LMS admin, was first introduced to the concept of CBE many years ago, give you a little bit of the background there. But I'm not gonna be going through today's webinar saying this is what CBE is.

We're not prescribing it because if I've learned anything, in my almost twenty years around education. It is very simple. There is no one definition of what CBE is. What we're gonna do is go through what Canvas has been able to do to meet a lot of CBE initiatives out of the box, what's, we're noticing as far as industry trends and then also what we are doing with respect to meeting those custom needs that are out there. So as I mentioned, I was first introduced to the concept of CBE at Arizona State University in the College of Education, twenty years ago, a little over twenty years ago.

And I will very much admit to you that when I was told about this competency based education is going to be a, quote, way to empower students. I fancied myself a pragmatist when I was going through a teacher's college. I was somebody who said, okay, I'm gonna do the best that I can do, a lot of passion, like a lot of young educators going into it, but I gotta be realistic about the way things are. And the more I was told about competency based education, the more I genuinely thought to myself. This will never happen.

It is too pie in the sky. It is too unrealistic. It it's just it it's a great idea. But I was a big time skeptic of what this could do. And then I got into a classroom where it was in ten years.

And one of the first things that I did was work with curriculum alignment, taking all of our newest SLOs and being able to get that aligned to the curriculum that I was obstructing with, and I was told, okay, here's how we're gonna do it. Here's our tool that we're going to use, to be able to, manage outcome to do the, aggregates, to look at the data and start noticing trends. We've got this great outcome tracking tool called Google Sheets. And I'm sure a lot of you on here have probably done the same thing. There was a lot of paper rubrics at the time.

Again, this was you know, early two thousands, we're manually putting data in. We're trying to find ways to track it. We're trying to do all of this stuff. And the reality was is that I felt very validated in my opinion coming out of Arizona State that My first CPE impression was this is not gonna happen. You clearly see what happened to my hair through all of this illustrated here.

And so, again, I was always the tech savvy instructor, though. So I said, okay. There's gotta be some software that's gonna it. So I I got myself in a joint role working with my academic technology team, and we started evaluating the CBE software that was out there. Cause we also have a benefit we all saw what it was supposed to do trying to move away from this, you know, Carnegie unit thought process of of grading a through f scales that are so intensely subjective and start actually putting some true analysis on the skill sets and the things that students are learning to be able to do it.

And so was excited to be able to start evaluating software. And I'll tell you a lesson I learned in that. There's some ugly CBE software that's out there. So much so, in fact, that as somebody who was knowing I'm gonna be putting my name, to some software that was gonna be adopted and then deployed at my institution. I knew that if I was gonna do that for my own reputation, it had to be good.

And the truth of the matter is is that the first thing that ever came along for us that started making a difference was Canvas. We'll get to that. But all I'm doing is is acknowledging what we all know here, advancing an institution to a true competency based education approach, it's challenging. It's an uphill battle because what does CBE even mean? And as somebody who was on, The other side of things in the classroom before I joined in structure over nine years ago, I was part of that highly democratic highly difficult process to be able to make this work. And, again, even after doing all of the software evaluation, I ended up right back at my good old tool of Google sheets to be able to do this.

So like I said, for us, Canvas was the breath of fresh air that came in where we finally had a way to at least take outcomes, add them to rubrics, start tracking them with some test questions, and it was the first time we got to really make some progress with that uphill battle in trying to get competency based education at the institution. And, of course, one of the things I did was naturally leave that institution for Instructure. Where I came and became part of the team over here because, you know, again, I saw what Canvas was doing. I was excited for the things that were there. And I worked for my first many years at instructure in the role that Jason Gilder has, which is a solutions engineer, which is kind of the and shake between the sales process and the implementation process.

You make sure that all of the realistic information is out there that plans can be made to lament to go, and I will share with you a perspective that I'm glad that I gained after many years of being on the faculty side of things and looking at EdTech from that angle, which is I came here and started working through these transitions. And a common question that I received was does Canvas do CBE? My common response to that question was, do you do CBE? And I will be very honest that many of the times when I said, will you tell me what does that mean? It it involved running away because people didn't know. What I learned is people were waiting for the software to essentially dictate what CBE was instead of coming up with a vision for CBE. And what I've noticed here in Abby, I see your hand. I'm gonna get that just a second.

There's been this perpetual dance that has taken place that I have watched from both angles now. Academia was waiting for software to essentially prescribe what CBE could be so that we could deploy it out to faculty to make it easy for faculty to adopt. And the software companies have been waiting for academia to say, this is what we want. For CBE before actually creating lots of features that were there for it, aside from just basic instructional design, outcome alignment, things like that, which were a major step right direction, but it is bend this dance that's been there. And so with that, I wanna make sure we understand Canvas does do CBA in many respects, and I wanna be able to show some of that what we're noticing with trends, what we know it can be done, and then lead to some other discussions about that.

Abby had a hand up. I don't know if you can add that question. I don't see a question from you in the open that are there. She she said she did that by accident. Oh, okay.

Great. So after we get through this, I will say Canvas by itself, it is a great tool, and I don't wanna just stand to a slide deck here. I wanna get out of that and come back to it. So As from as as far as a CBE standpoint goes, some basic tenants that have been there for a long time have been the concept of outcome alignment have been the concept of allowing students to move at their own direction in the class based on the the knowledge they come with into the course, not keeping them in the exact same type of configuration as students that may not have as much knowledge. And I'm always trying to retrain myself to not even use the word course because it's not necessarily about the course anymore.

It's about the skill that they're focused on and where they're getting that from. So if I'm gonna show you canvas functionality out of the box that can be done, I am in this course, but not necessarily course as a student here. And it's it's an overall course that they could have signed up for Again, we're gonna we're showing our boss that we wanna do some some skill sets. So I come to Canvas catalog. I'm not quite ready for the entire web development certification program that's here, but I noticed that we've got some courses on just web design or server and database and things like this.

So I'm gonna take one and start honing my skills, getting something to share on LinkedIn, getting something new to be able to show people I'm learning. But coming into the course, I helped design this out with a couple of other people here that have been in these types of environments where what we designed was we broke this this, the module sets here in Canvas. We have five skill sets that are being focused on for this web development fundamentals course. We have HTML five as the first skill that's here. We added in the concept of coaching.

Coaching is another thing we're seeing a lot of use with Canvas, where you've got specific people in their enrolls, not necessarily a direct instructor, but somebody to go along. The great thing about the student who signed up for this is they can come in here, see the questions, see other things that people have asked already about this particular HTML five topic that's there, they may not necessarily even need to answer the question or ask a question in the prompt They can just see what people have said. Don't have to reinvent any wheels, and they can just move on. From there, we're gonna take our knowledge assessment. We're gonna see how much we understand about HTML five that's coming into here.

We're gonna use our hypertext markup plan hypertext markup language. Gonna talk about simple text editor, plain text file. We can do a little drop down matching inside of here. We can go through. Oh, not necessarily gonna get everything correct here, but, I wanna be able to show what we can get out of this.

We're gonna take the assessment and submit. So based on how I did, which here, three point eight out of eight, I have a little bit of knowledge, but definitely not tons. So what does that mean for me as the student, this competency based course? If I leave acting as a student, now that I know where this student is at three point eight, And I go into what the instructor has set up here for a competency based approach. We have this tool in Canvas called Mastery Pads. Which depending on how the student does on this knowledge assessment, you can see we can create a different path for the student that is there.

At three point eight, I'm jumping immediately to an HTML five practice page, learning about other commonly used elements, and to be testing my knowledge again and then I'm ready to retake a knowledge assessment before I take the ultimate capstone at the end of the module that would be there. If I am coming in with a ton of knowledge, Why do I need to go through all the lessons? Move ahead, validate that skill one more time. And in this course, we also did it where we can have canvas credentials aligned with this as we go. So the scenario is somebody signed up for a course, they wanna come in, learn a couple of skills, They can see exactly that they don't have to sit around where they are. They can move forward if they've come in with some knowledge.

In fact, we also did a little customization on this Canvas instance where if they wanted to at any point go out and see where they are in that web development fundamentals learning path that they're in, they can see and see it's a part of something much bigger because it all rose up to that full stack developer that they weren't quite ready for, but can see that they can roll into it as they're going there. Now going back to the course really quick, to the knowledge assessment, The other thing we've got in here as the student, I was masquerading as one of the students in here, They can always catch what's going on too with their credentials in the course. Let me go ahead and log back in as believe I was Aaron today, and I was Laura, same person. And while I'm in the course, I can check on not just my grades, but my credentials. So we know we haven't earned the first badge yet that's come into this.

We've got many that are here. We can see the pathway that I have automatically been enrolled in. And at any time, I can go out and kinda see what's going on with that pathway, from the global navigation that's there. Again, that's a custom thing that we we enabled, but it's just something we added to just show what the students could do to watch what's taking place with this. So as you can see, we've got alignment with something that is not just an outcome in canvas that, hey, as a teacher, I'm telling them, This is where you're doing and you've mastered the skill.

We're taking Canvas credentials and making that an extension of it so that they can take that with them And again, in the middle of this learning path, not necessarily course completion, but a learning path here, share that on LinkedIn, share it with their employer that they're doing something out of this to be able to learn and move past it. And all we did to get through this was a little instructional design A little bit of CBE pedagogy that came into place with how we're allowing them to skip over content, if they already know it, and applying the concept of open badges to this to make a real world connection all the way down to what they're doing in the course. And with that, I'm gonna turn this over to a gentleman named Jason Gildner who's gonna be sharing with you what that means for that learner as they take that badge with them as they go, Jason? Yeah. Thanks so much, Shati. I'm super excited to talk to you about how kind of the CBE model really is a compliment with credentials as as you were just seeing some of the powerful things that are are being done there.

But I really wanna start, and at JT, you can feel free to go to the next slide. With why do we care about these digital credentials? Like, at the end of the day, what are we what are we doing with with these credentials. Well, we should be paying attention to digital credentials because as you can see here, the numbers do not lie. Right? There is an increased use of acceptance of digital badges as the conveyor of critical information. That's not to say that these degrees and and transcripts are no longer valid, but to say that these are a compliment and they are the conveyor of very critical skills that JT was just talking through, and that's why we need to see that.

You know, Digital credentials while they may be fairly new to some of us, they've been around for quite some time, but really the act of recognition has been around for decades and decades. And it's really about what's going on with the lasting effects of these credentials. What what do we do with them once we have them long term? Does it really impact the end user? And that's what we're gonna kinda dig into here. But let's kinda set the stage here on really the characteristics of these digital credentials that we're talking about because out in the world, there are a lot of things that are being called badges. And I try very hard not to use the word badges all the time, specifically because not all badges are created equally.

We're gonna be leveraging the open badge standard, and really the foundation of that are three main characteristics that kind of unlock the ability for the end user to self advocate easily about what they are doing. And so the first is obviously portability. Being able to take these credentials, whether that is with Canvas credentials or or not, they can take those and go wherever they want and plug them into any other system that is open, out in the world of credentials. So that's, like, massively important that there's not a walled off garden where it's a proprietary system that these credentials can't go and play with. The idea of stacking, JT just showed you a a small little snippet of a pathway.

That is a prime example of this idea of stackability into a larger credential, massively important for an end user. We see completion rates skyrocketing when an end user sees the goal line. When they see the end, you know, the finish line to something, they are far more to actually go and complete that task. That's what the data is showing us. And probably the most important piece on this entire slide is verifiable.

And that's what we're gonna spend a little bit more time talking about specifically on How do I know that these skills are what they say they are and and how are we ensuring the the fact that when I say I know how to code in Python, I know that I know how to code in Python, and you know that I know how to code in Python. So we start by doing that with the badge anatomy. And this is not new, but it's worth just touching on briefly here. All of the pretty imagery that we get with these credentials is great, but what we need to think about is what's baked inside of that. And that's all the information that you're seeing here.

So when Kellan kind of clicks on a credential that I'm sharing with him, he's easily able to verify Yep. Jason is able to code in Python or he is he does have these problem solving skills, and here's the evidence behind that based on this information. It's not just, you know, self self promoting, if you will, with with regards to that. So that those are kind of key pieces of the badge, and I'm gonna go ahead and start sharing my screen. So bear with me one second while I do that.

And we're gonna take a look that's something that we're all pretty familiar with, which is a standard resume that we all have seen and we're gonna kind of think about this. We all have seen resumes like this where there are these sections of skills that are listed And there are these sections of strengths, and I'm a great I'm great at risk management, or I'm great at long term orientation as you can see here. All these skills have to be verified in some way. We've all been on committees likely where they have us go through a variety of candidates that have resumes and all of these skills are out and listed on paper. But how do we actually know that they have these skills by just looking at a resume? It's just not enough anymore.

And so what we're starting to lean really heavily into is this idea of a learner record or a learning employment record. The names are kind of interchangeable in many aspects. And so what I wanna kind of focus in on is that learner record. Think about a learner record like a supercharged transcript. Right? If if I'm able to curate and showcase all of the digital skills that I have earned or competencies that I have accomplished throughout my time, I can go ahead and easily just edit this out based on what job I might be going for or what conversation I might be having with an employer, whatever the case may be, I can go and hide and curate this list and easily share this with anybody.

It's almost an unfair advantage when you think about it. Right? If there are two candidates in front of you and you have a paper resume, and that's all you know about that person. And then you have someone else that has a paper resume, but they've also provided you with a learner record as such. Now you're starting to really pull back the covers and say, okay. Wow.

I have a lot more knowledge about this particular person. This is This is the importance of all of what we're talking about around skills and what they're doing with it. We're we're allowing them to self advocate for themselves moving forward. And I would I would kind of also mention, you know, I think we've all been in that situation where we have submitted a resume. And we've gone into a portal of some sort, and it sent one of those generic, hey, we've got your application.

Thanks for your time. We have no idea what's going on with that resume. If it's being looked at, if it's where it is in the process, with a learner record, while we don't tell you exactly who is looking at your resume or your learner record rather, we are tracking the number of views of that particular link. And so we are able to actually showcase, okay, somebody has been actively looking at my particular pieces of skills that I have curated. And so it really becomes pretty impactful when you think about the next kind of evolution of employment.

The last thing I'll kind of leave you with here around this is We are seeing many schools and organizations starting to really partner with local employers, and they're talking with them at really, like, at scale, what do you need? What skills are you requiring right out of the gate? And if we can provide those skills, we will guarantee first time interviews. So if you come out of whatever organization and you have this skill, we will guarantee that they get an interview first round based on the fact that they have those skills. We're starting to see that already. So I think that while this is just table stakes at this point for us, we are evolving heavily on this learner record. And this is just the tip of the tip of the sword, when it comes to what we're doing and how we're approaching this So hopefully this helps you to kinda tie this together, this messaging around what JT was talking about around actually earning those skills and and how we talk about delivering those skills.

Jason, real quick, there's a question in the Q and A from Dorothy that I think is worth you addressing now live. Just as what is the difference from what goes into my record versus my badges tab. Yeah. So the record is is really, just a a way for you to send it out easily. So if you go to my badges, For example, this is where I can easily send this to social media one z two z.

Right? I could go ahead and just kind of maybe I wanna make collections over here or maybe I just wanna send one or two badges to LinkedIn. I think JT was talking about that active know, maybe I just wanna kind of brag a little bit that I finished out these credentials. This is a way for you to see your credentials and then just easily share them out one at a time, whereas the learner record is more of a holistic approach, and it includes those wonderful pathways Right? So you can actually see you could still send this learner record out even though you haven't completed these pathways. You can see that they're not all the way filled out. But it shows the progress.

It shows, like, to an employer, hey, I'm I'm thirty percent or I'm eighty percent complete of this particular pathway. I'm almost there. That shows good faith versus just kind of writing on a resume in progress. Like, I think we've all seen that. Right? Like, oh, I'm in progress with my my master's degree or whatever it is.

Like, it this is just so much more concrete. From a visual perspective and from a verifiable perspective. So, hopefully, that helps answer that question. Thanks, Jason. Yep.

And I think I will stop sharing and turn it back over to JT. Thank you so much, Jason. So again, what we're talking about here was the whether it is matriculated students that you have in your course in a very traditional environment, or you're letting, again, adult learners, postback learners come back and do signing up with catalog for a single offering that's there to hone some skills. Creating those outcomes in Canvas, has, again, been there for quite a while of our institutional department level and course level outcomes of just leveraging the Canvas rubric again. This was the first thing for me that was a game changer at my institution to actually say, here's your Stonestone assignment, and you're aligning your outcomes to this, and we're gonna be able to see what that looks like in our learning mastery grade book department level outcomes, near real time information about what's taking place with their students, that whole concept of formative learning that I really was that cynic of back in my early days as an educator started to look real.

The overlay of that of credentials and what that does really starts feeling like the promise of CBE is starting to come to fruition that's there. And so with that, I now find myself with Kellen in this this role of custom development director here at Instructure. And we see people like Matt and Trey who are about to give their presentation have their vision that's here of where things can go what it can look like once this work has been done and start looking at this at scale. Now to date, my custom team, we've done a lot of things that are small additions CBE. Here's a great example.

One medical college wanted their, learners in their nursing program to be able to see their intrustible professional activities as a dashboard in their course, we customized it so they could see how they're doing meeting mastery with these over time so that the students themself We always hear data driven be something that instructors are looking to be or institutions are looking to be. This organization, we built a tool to that org that said Let's make the students be data driven. Great concept, but on a much larger scale, that's where I'm gonna turn this over to Matt and Trey here to talk about what they had been working with at Jaffey College. And so without further ado, Matt trey you go ahead and take over, and I'll keep moving your slides, but you go ahead. Great.

Thank you so much, Jason. Thank you everybody for coming. My name is Matt Moore, and I'm the dean of workforce innovations at CHFee College, and I'm joined by, Doctor. Trolisa Glazotov. Who is the CEO of digital learning innovations.

And, Theresa and digital learning innovations have been partnering with Chaffey from the very beginning of this initiative. So, next slide, please. You know, a lot of what the the Jason's on this, presentation have kind of outlined. I think, paint a really beautiful picture of what's possible, and it it's probably pretty exciting for colleges and universities to watch this, but also I think as we all know, change management on our college campuses is very challenging. And a lot of the competency based education technology, structures, are are They have a hard time plugging into our traditional faculty processes, and especially when we're working at institutions that might be unionized or just, you know, the matter of tenure in and of itself, it there it's not easy to just, you know, move entire institution of faculty into a entirely new way of thinking about measuring learning.

And so with that, I I what we did at Chaffey is we tied, the the the the notion of changing competencies, of changing our, approach to, learning outcomes assessment that's required by, before accreditation, to a competency based education model that exists within Canvas. So, you know, we just finished our accreditation visit and we at a clean record. And, but the the crediting the the team that came to visit us had not seen a college that had basically made its learning outcomes assessment process that colleges, all colleges and universities are required to do a, a, a, a process that exists within Canvas and is an competency based outcomes approach. So the way that this works at our college is, we our faculty include the learning outcomes on their assignments. And you can see an example of that here.

And so that they're clearly, marked for students, and most of our colleges in university include learn or are required to include learning outcomes on syllabi, but these are required, on the actual assignment. So you can see them written, what learning outcome students are pursuing when they're completing any assignment. And then next slide, the learning outcomes are hardwired into the canvas environment through rubrics. And you can see the bottom two criteria there. Are measuring the learning outcomes for this particular assignment.

And you'll see little bull's eyes next to, the two criterion there. And what's, neat about these particular learning outcomes is that there they're installed at the instance level of Canvas. So Chaffey College is able to pull that data out every time a faculty member is assessing a student for those particular learning outcomes, and we're able to use that for our accreditation institutional learning outcomes assessment processes. And then the faculty are able to look at the learning that's going on in their departments and in their courses at a kind of macro level instead of the usual of learning outcomes assessment where faculty choose, like, one signature assignment. They get everybody together to give all the students in one class that one signature assignment, and then they make that their one, artifact for measuring learning.

Instead, this happens throughout the curriculum and all courses and all assignments. Next slide. But what's really cool about this is, you know, and back to accreditation. And in our in accreditation standards, whether you're, you know, Wichey or ACC JC, or WOSK, no matter what your crediting body is, most of them say, how are you involving students in the learning outcomes assessment process? Right? And, we usually respond with artifacts that show that we've include learning outcomes assessment on our website and things like that. And sometimes if you're you do focus groups of students, but that's really like a high performing example.

But here, we've taken the digital credentialing element and use that as the way that students get brought into learning outcomes assessment. So, for example, when students complete those, assignments that have those rubrics that I just showed you on a mastery path when they achieve a certain level of mastery that determined by the institution for us. We have a token to master skill badge pathway, and students can earn a token after showing mastery in two assignments in one learning outcome, and that token may be like one of four or five or seven tokens on the pathway to a master skill badge but students are able to, look at their skill, at at their skill profile files in Canvas credentials, which is available, through the portal. So it's all single sign on. And they can click on any of those badges what they'll see is the metadata that Jason, was Jason Gildner was describing just a moment ago that tells the student what they did to earn that badge in the learning outcome language for the institution.

So it's a real three sixty experience for students. Learning outcome assessment is no longer something that faculty do because they're forced to do it by creditors, but it's actually something that gives students a reward. It shows them where they are in their path and kind of marks a milestone. On the way to degree completion or certificate completion. And then the, the the badges or the credentials.

The digital credentials are hyperlinked, with the skills, the affiliated skills. And, if you go to the next slide, you'll see that those hyperlinks actually push out to indeed dot com job postings with those skills listed and their that it reads our IP addresses so that it will tell students that it'll provide the lists of jobs for students that are in our area code. So it gives students local examples of jobs that have those specific skills that are connected to faculty learning outcome assessments. And that's a really powerful re imagining and redefinition of what has been a pretty thorny, standard accreditation requirement of institutions over the last several years. Is any of you who are in high rate can can relate, you know, faculty grumble about assessment all the time.

Next slide. And this is where it gets really fun is we were able to show ACC JC, our crediting body, when when we just completed this entire process, really robust data about our institutional learning outcomes, for example. This is, these are all of our our institutional learning outcomes, we broke them out into ten different sub components and each one of those sub learning outcome skill areas had, four criteria and we're able to pick up all the data, when it comes to student demonstration of mastery for any of those criteria across forty different criterion areas. And then and then we're able to represent that visually. And that's something that most colleges aren't able to do with their learning outcomes data.

It kind of exists in a very, like, a narrative reflection kind of format where faculty are reflecting on the percentages that they assessed in their own course or their own department. Next slide, please. And but there still are some challenges or there were some challenges in terms of how do we build this, to encapsulate. We have over a hundred degrees in certificates at our college. And so how do we kind of map the entire skill landscape for all of our degrees and certificates? And, at that level of scale into canvas and credentials, and that's where trey will pick up.

Thanks, Matt. I I see a a question in the in the chat that I hope to, address as well, which is, if did we build it out at the institutional level and then weave it into the programs? Right. Matt share that we put the outcomes at the institutional level, and then they're automatically embedded into courses. So then faculty can From their purview, decide what skills are being developed as part of this course for the students and pull that directly into their rubric. And so its faculty led is not driven necessarily by programs or or courses.

It's really what the faculty already doing, now they're just more intentionally calling out the skills that are embedded in those courses and that learning experience. And so when Jason earlier talked about what could CBE be? Because we were going at such a granular granular level, We weren't talking about just courses or modules, but individual assignments across the students learning experience, we really had to think about the process from a system perspective of how do we even capture all of that. And so we we identified the key systems that we needed to tap into. The primary primary one was Canvas LMS because that house the outcomes that that house the rubric and of course there's a lot of rich data on the back end. And so we pulled that data and we needed to to to, you know, disaggregate it, look at it from a database perspective to see across a student's learning experience, not just an individual course, what was happening, what skills were being developed, and how were students demonstrating their mastery.

And so we had to get that raw data and then disaggregate it and identify those two or more, levels of mastery so that we could tie it in to a credential. And so Canvas credential was a big piece, a big system as well, as well as, what Matt shared that data visual of being able to push back to the key stakeholders, faculty, students, administrators the progress that was happening along that learning journey. But they're all disconnected right now. Right? There's there was so much manual integration that had to happen from, you know, the the course the learning experience to sharing the credential to sharing the data. And so we really, we tapped back in with the structure and said, hey, We understand our processes.

How can we streamline this integration so that it makes sense for everybody that's involved. So let's go to the next slide. So what we ended up with was, a new tool. Which is a canvas. We're calling it the canvas alignment tool, but it allowed us to streamline pushing the data that was coming from the LMS two Canvas credentials in a more streamlined process, as well as give the stakeholders that visualization, that high level visualization they needed just in time.

So what does that look like? Now now that we have this prototype, just going to production hopefully this week. Well, we we looked at the key key people that would need access to make the system work. One was the LMS and admins. The admins are the ones that that take care of the outcomes that institutional level, but also could help streamline the process of aligning outcomes to skills. And so this new tool allows that to be done on the back end from the administrator perspective.

At a very easy level of of a couple of clicks of aligning skills to outcomes based on the institutional, learning outcomes, as well as receive data in real time about what's happening across the system. How are students being assessed, how many assessments are happening, as well as how many badges are being awarded. In the Canvas LMS as opposed to going to credentials and then trying to reconcile what's happening in the LMS with the Canvas credential side. Next slide, we also took a look at the faculty because we are doing this at an institutional level across the student's learning journey, we wanted to provide faculty with a high level view of who's coming into their class. What skills are they bringing in already? How is this course going to contribute to their skill development? And so faculty within their courses will have access to whomever's enrolled will have access to see Have they met this the the criteria to to earn these badges? Are they almost there? How can I help support them in their journey? With the content in this course.

And so they will not only be able to see how they are contributing as faculty in this particular course, but be able to support students' journey and understanding of where they are in their process of development. With these with these skills. And then we also have the student. Students now have course level view of what are they earning, what are they developing within their course, and how will this contribute to their learning journey and mastering other badges, other skills, other development. So they have it both at the at the course level as well as the, the instance level of Canvas to be able to see where they are in their batch and skill development journey.

So this was important for us to to to do because not only did it streamline the process, but it gave the data back to the people that need needed most to make decisions and, give them some more agency in how they can, support their their educational journey in real time. So I think I'm gonna turn it back over to you. One of the jasons. Okay. Take your pick.

I'll take it. Thanks, Trey. So, again, I I met Matt and Trey when they first came with this this one and I was the the, again, transitioning already from solutions engineer to custom development director at the time and had to think about behind the scenes, how does this work? Well, how do we get the data to move? What APIs are we gonna do? And, thankfully, we have the infrastructure to be able to do it. And so we just listened to Matt and Trey about what it is they wanted to ultimately see as a product in their system, and and now it's it's something that's actually real. I I wanna reiterate as we go through this that, again, what they have said, I love it because it's something, again, like I told you in my journey as a as educator.

I never thought I'd see something like that. I hoped it would, but I was excited to be a part of it. It may not be your vision of what CBE can be at your institution, and that's fine. But the reality is is that myself, Kellan, were the two people that if you have an idea of what you would like to see at the culmination of some sort of competency based education initiative, Matt and trey stopped that endless dance that I told you I've been recognizing for many years now. And I was thrilled to work with them.

If if what you saw is something that you'd like to see at your organization, you can reach out to calendar myself. Just send an email to c deb at instructure dot com. We can talk to you about how to possibly launch something like that with you. If you've got a different tool that you wanna possibly look at based on your vision of CBE, let's chat. Let's see what we can do to make that a reality, the way that we did this for JP College.

And by the way, One of the reasons we've we've created a case study around Chaffey is not just because it it was so thought through from a governance standpoint from the know, again, how do you get faculty buy in on something like this? Well, it's accreditation. I mean, what what are you gonna argue with that? You gotta track the outcomes for that. It's a really easy way to get people into it. But in addition to that, Kell and I, we got this case study out and we, very quickly, after it was done, had somebody else reach out back to us and say, love that, but and that's the thing we always get in this custom development role. They wanna add something to So right now, we're actually working with another organization at a county level who is looking to take that exact same tool that they developed out there at Chaffey allows students with their credentials that are earned through this to opt into a workforce portal, where local employers can be given a role in search for skills that they have to have, versus skills that would be nice to have.

And that credential, that canvas credential, that is that tangible item that goes with a learner from their course to real life outside of their course can now be something that in this next custom project that we're doing, allows for them to be more employable as a result of this. And again, that may be something you're looking to do. It may be something completely different, but regardless, That's something that we can assist with. So with that, that's our presentation for the day. I can't remember if I said it at the beginning, but this is actually a trial run for a lot of us here because we're gonna be presenting this at CBE exchange, early October.

Where Trelease is gonna be with us. Kellan's gonna be out there. I'll be out there. And we'll be giving this out in that region. Again, trying to get some more, eyes on the good work that's being done at JP College.

If you have any questions, we can absolutely hang around for a little while. Otherwise, we can just go ahead and end the webinar at this point, but thank you all for joining us today. And again, we'll hang around if there's any chat or Q and A that would come from this. But thank you all for being a part of this as well. Leslie Johnson, how does the competencies transfer from Moodle.

So Moodle can transfer the content over in their export package. I do not believe Moodle actually has an outcome transfer as a part of their export and their MBZ file. But that's something that can be done, with some uploading into Canvas. If you've got it in CSV in some format. You can massage the CSV and just upload the outcomes into Canvas and then start going through the alignment piece of that.

For those asking about the recording. Yep. There's going to be a recording. It's going to be sent out. And so if you'd love to, doing something like this? Oops, Stephen.

Yeah. Would love to chat with you about what we can do on something like this. Kellan, did you grab that email? Thank you, sir. Alright. Going once, going twice for more questions.

Again, c dev at instructure dot com, you can absolutely right to Calan and I, and we'll be able to answer obadiah to get a hand up here. But I if you wanna talk, we just gave you permission to do so. Otherwise, you can just break your question up. Go ahead. Oh, go ahead.

Sorry. Yeah. I was I was just saying it's easier with the mic. So this is great. So, we at our school, we're a Delana public school.

Sorry, Delana school of public health in, in Canada, Toronto. And we are just starting a curriculum, review project and have kind of run into all of the the snowballing that happens when you start looking at a curriculum from a program level and are sort of getting bogged down in how do we how does this get defined? How do we, how do we look at all the programs and kind of do this all at once? And I'm kinda thinking about, doing something, a single program at a time. To see how something like this can can happen, but the the tools that I just saw, these look like they could align with, or they could help with what we are doing. And, the outcome, of course, could be exactly what you you you build, you know, that's the idea of having intermediary, badging, outcomes that are vis visible, etcetera. So It all looks really great.

I'm just trying to think about how to how to work with this process from an existing, existing school programs that, you know, they they're already out there. They're not using outcomes. They're not using, pathways. How do we kind of backward map all those good things into the process to take out some of the complexity. Oba DIA, can I ask you a quick question? In in Canada, your crediting body has requires your institution to do learning outcomes assessment and report that.

Right? So that that's what I was trying to type in in the text and I gave up. So With public health, there are a couple of credit of crediting bodies, but there's no specific one that says thou shalt. And so, one of our series of complications was maybe we can, look at the accrediting bodies that are in the US and Canada and come up with a kind of standard that then we can work from. And now we're talking about years, but how how do we do that? How do we move in that direction now? So that we we can, we can flex with what may come out later by by being able to visualize what's happening instead of just having a course or a program that's defined in text and, Who knows? You know, what what's actually going out the door in terms of skills that people are are are, are going out with because it's not being tracked in that granular fashion. Got it.

Yeah. I mean, no no colleges, very few colleges of any in the US are especially public colleges and universities are tracking, assessment data at a granular level, but all the accrediting bodies require that colleges and universities have a process for doing outcomes assessment, meaning, like, where the faculty are, you know, provide doing some sort of mapping of the learning outcomes that they say they're teaching to actual assignments that students complete And that was the structure that we plugged into because there was already a formal institutional requirement in committee governing that and those processes. And so, basically, what we proposed was here's a better, more efficient, more student centered way to do that. And, the entire outcomes assessment committee basically just we left our old way of doing that work and implemented this as the primary process and that, that was that enabled us to scale across many departments at once or actually the entire institution at once, if that makes sense. But it sounds like you guys don't have that same structure internally.

And so, you know, I feel like, you, you'd still have, accrediting bodies that are asking you to produce students with certain skills. And, one of the nice things about this, at least the tool we developed with them is that you can install those skills and those skill rubric bricks at the institutional level and do the mapping to the digital credentials at the institutional level. So you and it, you know, can you don't have to ask faculty to do that. You can, you know, obviously collaborate work with them so that they're co designers, but they don't have to do the heavy lifting And then, and then it's, like, pretty much like a drag and drop. It's like a two click process for them to make sure that the that whatever they see alignment between is in their assignments in canvas.

And then, the credentials are automatically awarded students. So it's like a really for our faculty who, you know, like like most faculty are like they're they have their way of doing things and asking them change is sometimes difficult. They were this is they've been amazingly positive and enthusiastic about this shift. Yeah. Sounds really exciting.

I I would like to hear some more, but I'm sure there are other questions. I don't wanna take up all the time. Thank you. Thank you, obadiah. Yeah.

Another question that came up is Michael asked about in this pilot of the credentials issued with assignments. How does that work with blueprinting? So With Canvas credentials, you can align that to assignments or modules. As you go through it, it's it's up to you on how you wanna be able to do it. Again, kind of in that weeds of instructional design I touched on early on. So how are you designing those modules or the assignment flow to be able to determine where it's at.

And I know Jason Gildner had a a slight let me know he wanted to mention something about the blueprinting part of the question. Yeah. The blueprinting is actually slated, to be done at the end of q four. So that's fantastic news. For everybody.

So once you set that up in blueprinting, it will travel to whatever courses you decide to to use that blueprint for. And course copies coming before blueprinting. So it's, it's all happening very, very quickly. So stay tuned. And we used blueprints as well to scale all of this.

That was how we were able to bring, like, the ease of of importing a rubric that was an an instance level rubric into a specific assignment was we basically blueprinted the courses so that all a faculty member would need to do is click find outcome in their rubric and they would have the folder with all of those learning outcomes already built into it. Blueprinting has been a huge, lifesaver for our institution. Yvonne just asked a question, in chat about could something like this model be done at program level with the rest of the college using Canvas outcomes, programmable outcomes, living at subaccounts instead of the institutional level. Yeah. The Canvas outcomes can be created at any level you want them to be at.

And so it's all about the reporting aspect of it and with respect to the custom tool that we built, they they could be pulled from anywhere if that was something you were looking to do. Matt, I saw you on mute. I don't know if you had something else to add. Oh, yeah. I know.

I just was gonna tell yvonne, that's actually the next phase, and we're using blueprints to do that. So we will have basically, like, every department based on the prefix of the course will have their program learning outcomes in a in in a folder, and those will be, there'll be a subfolder for course learning outcomes. And at the institutional level, we'll map those to credentials, but a department will only see the learning outcomes that are specific to their discipline and the institutional learning outcomes so that if they want flexibility to even like you know, pop into those institutional learning outcomes they can, but that's the next phase to make sure that we're really getting into what we would, like, redefine as technical skills. And I say redefine because usually we talk about things in education like course learning outcomes and program learning outcomes, but we're trying to think of this more as like, what are broad based transferable skills and then what are those technical skills? And so those technical skills for departments will live in those program and and course learning outcome rubrics. Thank you, Matt.

Well, we're a minute over. We've answered the questions. So, again, if there are any other questions there, see debit instructure dot com. Call and I will both get that email. And we'll be happy to respond. Thank you all for for being here for this, and we look forward to hearing from some of you. If this is something of interest, we hope you were able to get out of this today.