It’s to Your Advantage: A Guide to LTI Integrations


LTI Advantage brings greater security, power, and flexibility to learning platforms and tools — and adds complexity. To assist vendors, the 1EdTech Digital Learning Ecosystem Working Group has created a guide to plan, develop, and implement quality LTI Advantage integrations. Learn about our progress and share your feedback.

Video Transcript
So here's your easy button for considering LTI Advantage. That's an exciting thing. Right. So we're we're glad you're here. Thanks for joining us. I'm Kelly Hoeland.

I'm with One EdTech. We used to be known as IMS Global. Here to help, with me present today are Maggie from Indiana University and Jim from UCLA. You're gonna hear way more from them than me. So don't worry.

Before we go any further, how many of you are in higher ed? Okay. Wow. Okay. Any K twelve in the room? Okay. Any ed tech suppliers? Alright.

Okay. How many of you I'm gonna guess most of you have at least a base understanding of LTI. Okay. Good. So what we're gonna cover today is what we are calling.

We we probably could have added one more name to this and made it just a little longer. But the digital learning environment integration considerations guide. We forgot the word guide. Has been so this is something that has been created with our one of tech members, primarily with our higher institutions, Jim and Maggie have been co chairing that group with me, so that's why they're here presenting. There's a link here.

We also have a QR code to it for it at the end of the slide, at the end of the presentation. So if you don't get it now, we'll get it for you later. And our goal for this guide was really to take all of those challenges that you have as hired institutions that you wish suppliers knew before they knocked on your door and put it in one place. So that way when a new supplier comes to you and say, Hey, we have this perfect thing for you. You can say, go here first and then talk to me.

So that's kind of the background for what we have shared. Alright. Just, if you're not familiar, one ed tech, we used to be known IMS Global. We're a member organization. We are the organization that manages the LTI standard, as well as many other standards like Caliper and Openbadges.

K twelve Hyatt and corporate members are all part of our environment working together to solve the challenges that we have in the digital learning environment through standards. You know what LTI is. Do I need to cover this at all? No. Okay. Just as a heads up, just a reminder, LTI one dot three is the current version of TI that is supported.

All other versions have been deprecated. They should be going away. That means you should be moving all of your tools to one dot three. K. Okay.

I think it's. Yeah. I'll just use that. Okay. We'll figure it out.

One mic to roll them all. Hello, everyone. My name is Jim. It's really interesting that there were like three people who raised their hands as vendors because our work is actually for the vendors. So I expect a lot of you will just be, yeah, we know this.

But what the heck? So we begin with a slide that says higher education institutions are complex. And the idea was that oftentimes vendors are coming to us from corporations that are developing products, and then they try to bring them into our LMSs, and they don't realize that maybe some of the things that work in one environment don't work in higher ed. So, as an example of that complexity, they might come in with like, oh, this is the university and this is, you know, it's a hierarchy and there's like couple layers and such. But And again, you guys are the wrong audience for the next picture because you'll know, but But you'll love it. This is actually and it's really hard to see.

Sorry. It's washed out. This is UCLA's Canvas subaccount structure. I was in a session earlier today, and I learned the actual numbers six hundred and nine along the bottom. So those are not courses.

These are subaccounts. And if you think UCLA is bad, here's another one from another UC campus that is equally complex. So this is a better picture of kind of the complexity of why higher ed institutions are what they are and why vendors sometimes get tripped up over, you know, if they're thinking that original hierarchy. So these are some of the reasons why higher ed is complex on the left, you've got schools, divisions, and departments, and faculty. The way I used to describe UCLA to new people, it's it's not one university.

It's like four thousand universities because every individual faculty member is pursuing their own grants and has their own money and they may need their own tools. So it's more like a little city rather than one monolithic thing. So you've got different discipline. Which have different needs. Humanities, obviously very different than the physical sciences.

With different policies, some of them might be based on accreditation needs versus other cultural internal traditional needs in that in that department. And of course, you've got thousands of courses. Then we have learners. Our learners come to us with they they also have multiple courses in multiple disciplines. So at UCLA, it used to be we had twenty three instances of thirteen different LMSs.

We're talking like twenty years ago. But you could imagine how difficult that was for a student to have to go between divisions and log into a different system. So thankfully, that one's been solved. And then, of course, they have different apps in different divisions. So you might have Alex in, math environment, but you might have something else in a different environment.

And then of course you have the administration and the support It's so, again, for the vendors coming in, you've gotta deal with the people who are doing the setup and the support, and assuming the risk because individual faculty aren't going to assume the risk for the university. And in fact, they may not even know there is risk for the university when they want to UNLTI integration. So these are some of the pieces of the processes that vendors may not realize that at a place like UCLA, you have to go through. And then at a conference like this, you realize, oh, a lot of the, other institutions have very similar structure. So again, what I'm going to show in the next couple of little boxes is not going to be surprising to many of you in this room.

But there's product selection and who does that? Well, ideally it comes to them the faculty. They say we need this tool and then, you know, the teaching and learning center will help them evaluate it. And maybe the IT group will also participate in that because they're well suited to. Then you've got at the the security. The SSO is going to look to the company, the vendor, and see what their profile is and with SOC agreements and their encryption at rest and all sorts of those kind of things, but that's a completely separate office at UCLA.

That's the office of our chief information security officer. Then you've got accessibility and you all know the lovely V Pat that goes at UCLA to the center for the the computing disabilities program where they will do product testing, review the V Pat, work with the vendor often to provide examples or, solutions to issues they find. Then you've got the contracts and at UCLA. That's through procurement and our privacy officer. So they so if you look at the middle two boxes there, They're operational.

Right? It's hands on with the tech. When you get to the box on the far right there, that is paper. That's a contract negotiation. And that's when the lawyers get involved. And then finally, you've got the actual implementation of the tool into the LMS and in your environment and that has the testing and the ongoing support and all that.

So if a vendor walks into university, and knocks on the door because they talk to the fact down the hall, and they're saying, oh, look, you just have to do this one little thing. Clearly not. And if any of you guys were in, Christopher Casey, from University Michigan Dearborn yesterday. He gave a really great presentation on all of this. So if his slides are around, check his presentation out because it was really good.

So these are the complexities that vendors will face at the university, but then they can also bring really complex solutions to help us solve our issues. And Maggie's gonna cover that part. Okay. So I'm completely changing everything on the fly given the audience. Yes.

Alright. Let's do it. So Yeah. Right? So, actually, I'm gonna start with a story and some of you guys might, sort of relate to this. So I once had to tell a vendor.

I did it in email. Maybe that was cowardly, but then we did subsequently meet. But I said to them, well. This is the worst LTI implementation I've ever seen. I typed this.

It's out there on servers somewhere. Right. I can't take it back And we had a Kumbaya moment and I explained to them what the problem was. And they had and this is exactly the reason why they had gone in, oh, we need an LTI integration and they didn't they didn't know what they didn't know. That's really the crux of what we're trying to put together, the people don't know what they don't know.

And so they read partway through and they go, oh, this is how we do it. They did they were doing deep linking, which is a fan. Tastic with a different key in secret for every link. Okay? I'm not gonna tell you what it was. I will never tell it's But that's what they were doing, right? And so, oh my god.

And so, you know, so the the three of us are talking, you know, what's our goal for our island? You know, what do what I said? I got an idea. I got an idea. Pick me. Pick me. I said, we need to help the vendors with this.

So what what what I'm gonna kinda walk through. So there's gonna be a bazillion questions. I'm gonna read each of them in painstaking detail. I wanna hear the snores. So I'm not gonna do that.

But but all these questions are basically what we baked in to the website that will show at the end. So what we want you to do is point vendors there because again, this is all about you don't know what you don't know. Don't read the first three pages are the spec and think you got it all. Right? Oh, I understand now. So we need to make sure that they really that they really understand where they're going and and they and they know what they need to know.

And you can help them certainly, but the first way to help them is to point them to this. So, and again, you know, this came out of our institutional leadership network. Oh, I thought it was institutional. Innovation. That's better.

Innovation's always better. So what's an innovation leadership network. But anyway, wait, So we so we thought of this, you know, as we're, you know, we gotta do the agenda. Oh, crap. We gotta do an agenda.

So we said, okay, we wanna propose this as something. And so we just In fifteen minutes, we came up with the vast majority of the questions on the next three slides. Like, we're all dealing with this. Right? And And so, you know, you love LTI Advantage because it gives us the opportunity to have great learning experiences for our students, fantastic things, But again, we've we've gotta get these things that that are gonna work in our systems. And we have to think about all our users, and that includes our admins.

I've got my my lead admin sitting down here in the in the second row. But, you know, what does it look like? Yeah. A different key in secret for every link. I don't think so. We didn't let them do that and it was only one course that wanted this tool and we're like nope, not happening.

So So, yeah. So, and just to know that every question, there are resources in, in this on this website. This is gonna point you to the expect for this or to more information about that. Some stuff, people will need to be one of tech members to access. But I think it's great, you know, all the people in this room, we're the ones who are going to drive people to, you know, to know you wanna integrate you need to be LTI Advantage certified.

Right? We're the ones who are gonna drive that. If they don't what? You want? I'm just gonna steal this. There is an institution in the room that requires LTI certification before integration. So it is possible. Just as a heads up.

And I would also just say we just publish this and we're welcoming feedback. So keep that in mind. Definitely. And we and we can even spend a little bit of the time, today to do that. So, right, you know, I was gonna tell you all about, you know, EPPN and stuff like that, but you don't care.

So, but but just thinking about this, right? What's what are the experiences? They're thinking a lot about this but but I think this is a lot of it. Right? What do you actually need? Do you need the course roster? Yeah. We're gonna have you send us a CSV And it's like, no, no, you're not. You're gonna do it this way because this will work. So this is the kind of stuff that you get, especially from some smaller you know, kind of start ups who may have fantastic ideas and, but they're really new.

So, alright. So here's So the center of the universe for a developer, it's their app, right? Like they live and breathe this thing all all the time. So you we need to remind the developers sometimes that the center of the universe for the users is the LMS. So to the extent that you make this as seamless as possible, to the extent that maybe they don't even know they left. Is even better.

So another example. So we have a homegrown tool at Indian University. It's a it's a formative assessment tool. Very nice. So we were doing a survey on our learning tools.

Right? And, you know, find out what people liked and didn't like, whatever, you know, survey stuff. So we were surveying the faculty and the students, and we're we're looking at the survey going, they don't know what this is. They don't know that it has a name. They they don't they don't know they're using another tool. So I was like, how are we gonna ask them about it? But that's a good problem to have actually when it comes to an external tool.

So the initial so what do we have here? Oh, the initial setup experience. Okay. Remember this, and always tell your vendors this. When the students go to enter the tool, do not let them type anything. Ever.

Ever. Email address. Well, it's dark lord thirty seven at gmail dot com. I mean, right? They're they're they don't even remember that they have a institutional one. So, right? So don't let them type anything and write LTI Advantage if it's used property is gonna pass everything to your app that you need to create the the the account.

Right? I would say, yeah. If you can't, if you think you need something besides that to create an account in your app, you're not gonna pass our security review. So, you know, don't ask them what their shoe size is. We're not gonna let you let them tell you that. So, you know, they the students should not need to do anything but go use the most amazing app ever.

You know, and then deep linking. Right? So we wanna think about, you know, the direct linking to resources. So that student experience should not be okay. I'm in my module. I'm gonna module module three.

And then here's, okay, here's my homework. And I and I click on it and it just spits me to the top level of some publisher tool. Right? And now, module three week four. And they have to go through the whole navigation again, and nobody wants that. Right? They're you get the eye rolls and they're exhausted.

So, right. So when you think about that kind of experience and using deep linking, it's a really important part of what LTI Advantage enables. You know, obviously accessibility. And I think again, many of you have experienced this Hey, there are instructors who use assistive technology. It's not just the students that you have to worry about.

You have to think about the ability of the entire tool. So, yeah. And then there are the devices. So the device experience is really important. You know, I'm really old and I can't imagine that students do this, but they do.

They really do take the entire course and they write their papers. Or chatty PT rights them for them on their phones. So, you know, we have to think about what is that device experience look like? How does this SSO work? How, you know, how do you get to it? All those things, should it be this exact same? On a mobile device or not? How You need to make intentional decisions about what the mobile app does and doesn't do. So, you know, a lot of, a lot of good things like that But the one so, you know, we have the instructors, we have the learners. We can't forget about the administrators.

Right? And we don't want anyone who just there's a different key and grid for every link here. So, you know, strap in. It's gonna be a long afternoon. So, you know, consider how the tools are implemented, and can you install things in a subaccount. Can you install things in an individual course? And in this in this transition period that we're all in, LTI one point one to one point three.

Can now one point one version and the one point three version live in the LMS at the same time. So that you can work those. You know, so our med school had to have an old version of one thing for a while until the functionality that they needed was ready and then we were able to to move them over, but it was crucial that, you know, both both versions were able to run-in the LMS at the same time. That is not the case always. So again, just trying to think about that.

And so we wanna consider how those tools are implemented tid. And, you know, you gotta give your admins some love sometimes. Right? And not just go, oh, well, it'll be good for the students. So whatever. I mean, that's part of the of the, process of really evaluating a tool is also what's the admin console look like? What do they have access to? How can they do things? Do we have to email and put in a ticket every time, you know, we need to scratch our elbow.

So yeah, we did that. Sure. Okay. So lots of cool startups. They have to have these things.

Right? And what does a good partnership look like? And, you know, we try to set this up at at Indiana University early on. First of all, okay. Do you have an updated heck that updated V Pat. What's the other one? It's ACR. I think is kind of the newer one that's coming along for accessibility.

To me, an updated fully, you know, filled out, packed fat and vpat. It's like a firm handshake. Okay? You are coming into the room and you know what you're about. Okay? You did your homework, you're ready to go. So you know, making sure that they've got that kind of stuff.

But in setting up that partnership, you know, we meet with a lot of our vendors very regular early. I'm sure many of you do too, and we wanna know what's your road map? We wanna tell them, no. You're crazy. You're not gonna give us this on August fifteenth. And think that we are gonna roll out to a hundred thousand students and all however many faculty we have, this brand new thing that nobody's ever seen.

Right? We've gotta do the document No. No. No. We gotta test it because you say it works, but we gotta test it. We gotta do the documentation.

Gotta talk to the support center. We gotta talk to the teaching center. We, you know, we've gotta get all that stuff together. So I think most a lot of people are much more hip to that. And the change management, all those good things.

How are they gonna notify you about things? Are are they helping you understand the roadmap? Are they you know, communicating with you where they're going, and are they taking feedback from you when it's like, are you sure? You know, we actually had a vendor tell us recently You know, we're like, okay. We're we're ready to go to your LTI one point three version and they actually like Actually, no, don't don't do that. And I was like, that is the sweetest sound ever. Is a vendor telling you, right? Oh, No. You're really big and let's just make sure.

Let's let's hold back for another semester and make sure we can support you you know, in the way that you're gonna need to be supported. So, you know, it's it's a lot of those kinds of things. And then of course, the data so again, it's like, oh, we're gonna write this great API integration while you're actually not. Or you can write it, but we're not gonna use it. So, but there are times when you do need more than what you can get even with LTI Advantage, right? So, so we, you know, we can do scope tokens, right? And so just making sure people understand that, but we can't I mean, we can scope a token, but we're gonna look at every call you wanna make.

So you know, and our data stewards are gonna look over our shoulders and say, are you sure? So, you know, we can go outside LTI what LTI does, and that's fine. But we need to have that control. And in Canvas, you can scope the token. It's fantastic. You can say, yep, these four calls.

They're all have at it. So that's great, you know, and just making sure because, you know, who who's had the experience? We just need a token for everything so we can do our stuff. Yeah. Can we just have that? Yeah. So making sure that, you know, you're thinking about those principles of of keeping that data minimized.

And then, you know, more and more the access to data, what's in your what's in that admin console and what can we see? Are you using Caliper? Hatch off to when I had tech? I mean, are you using Caliper for what? Is that gonna be useful? You know, or can we get what we need out of your admin console? How does that all fit together So just thinking about sort of the questions to ask, to think about, let's see there was anything else really fantastic, I was gonna tell you guys. Like I said, we came up with these questions really quickly. And I'm sure many of you will will see the rest. It wasn't just us. We started, and then there was a larger group of all size institutions, not just too large.

But Right. That's what I mean. In that in that ILN, the innovation leadership network network. Right. We proposed this, and then that meeting was just like, oh my gosh.

Here's all these things. We're typing frantically. So, yeah, I think that's about It's about my spiel. I think so. Yeah.

So have in it. Just a couple quick things to go with it. One thing we didn't talk about was actually certified LTI versus just a compliant LTI. So I'll just mention that. As one Tech, we do create our standards to be open in public.

So anyone can implement them. The one benefit of that supplier being a one ed tech member is they can actually test that implementation to make sure it works how they think it's going to and how it's supposed to. So prior to having one tech, I have an academic tech background. I would always say if it was a certified LTI, I could probably get it done in a week once it went through all the steps. Non certified.

I had one that took over a year. So just something to think about. All you don't have to be a member to see if somebody certified. Our product directory is open public so you can look at that at any point and see who is and isn't. So just as a heads up on that.

Alright. So the ILN, the Innovation Leadership Network that Maggie kept mentioning is a group for our higher ed members, we meet every other month, talk about lots of issues related to people who work in this field and in this space. You might be a member and not aware of it. I've talked to a couple this week who are already a member. So I put a link.

You could check the member directory. Or if you want to see what membership would look like, you're welcome to look at that. I see pictures. I'm gonna wait just a second. Okay.

I'll wait. Here is the link to the actual guide again. So if you missed it, QR or link, whichever works. And like I said, you want a picture of that? That is awesome. So this is available to you.

It is kind of hidden on our website right now because we're waiting for some additional feedback. So please give that to me. If not, we will be linking it, so it's a little bit easier to find on our website shortly. So it is, like I said, this is a great tool for you as you have new vendors. If who don't maybe know what they're getting into.

It's gonna walk them through the functionality of LTI, so they know why they should l t do LTI, as well as all of those other higher ed or K12 things that you need to do. So I'll leave this up and then I'm gonna put our emails up and then we're gonna go to questions. Okay. Before I'll do okay. Before I do emails, in case you wanted to duck duck out early and you need the QR code for swag, I'll do that first.

Even more phones. I should take that picture now. Are you gonna show them the website? Oh, I can show you the website. Oh, I Oh, I don't know if I can. This isn't our laptop.

So at this point, questions. Yes. Oh, wait. Oh, yeah. You're gonna run? You want me to run? Okay.

Meg is gonna come to you later, Mike, because our session's being recorded. So you you had mentioned that there was a looking at, like, the mobile version and whether that looks right, and everything. Is does the certification process that you do do all that testing, or is that up to the institution, or how does that work? We do not test mobile. We test LTI functionality. In addition to we didn't even touch about this.

We do have some resources for vetting on secure data privacy security and accessibility as well. It's a whole another conversation. If you wanna have it afterwards later, we can. But we do not test this the viewing and the different platforms at this point. We do have some testing for the LTI certification, and we're working on some additional details in that certification process so you can actually see what's happening in the environment and what data is being connected and flowing, that's coming in October.

Other questions. Kind of feel like we could both run. Alright. I'm gonna put this slide up too, so you have our emails. We're all happy to answer questions.

So that this is probably more of a a technical question because, it's regarding programming code. Okay. I haven't had to write LTI since, I could use BLTI. And I found myself having to write LTI one three. So What did I go do? I go grab the official, libraries for setting up the in, integration.

Are there any guides for dummies on how to use them? There is the implementation guide. I don't know of a UCF has some resources. I see Andy looking at me. Can we pass him a mic too? And we do we we're recording we do offer boot camps as well. Is that what you were gonna say? I'll let you talk and I'll open it.

I'm the co chair for the LTI working group, and I work guys. It's awesome. But there is Andy from Penn State. Yeah. There's a there's a boot camp that they do at at sometimes the quarterly meetings and the yearly meetings But all the materials for that boot camp are online on GitHub.

And you can get to it if you got the LTI website on one ed tech it's it's in there. But it's not Email, and I'll get it too. Yeah. Yeah. And and it's great.

I mean, they have different libraries that are out there. They're not supported necessarily by one ed tech, but it might be, I think Canvas supported a Ruby Library for a while. I think they still do, but there's other ones, there's Python ones out there that have different We do have some reference implementations and things like that. And you can use our testing suite, our certification suite, QA check too if you're a member. So that's a nice resource that you might not be aware of.

But, yes, there's a whole community of many of our members who are always happy to share their knowledge and that GitHub repository is very easy. He up here. He already he already found it. He found it on the website very easily. If you can't find it, email me, but yes, if you want an in person option, we always do a boot camp at any of our, meetings that happen three times a year in very places around the state.

We have one in Atlanta in November, New Orleans in March, and we haven't set our June location yet. Yeah. And there's no question that LTI one point three and is is a jump from LTI one point one for sure. Yeah. I mean, I I used to I kinda got the impression that, you know, an afternoon for a pretty good programmer was what it took for LTI one point one to at least like say, okay, it's hooked up.

I get it. And we have a fantastic developer on our team. And I was like, Hey, is that LTI one point? No. You know, I mean, it took him a long time, weeks, months. It it's not comp it's not always just like boom, boom, it all works.

So, you know, it it takes more. So we need But it's worth it. Oh, it's so worth it. It's it's not that hard. It's still worth it.

And I would say we do have technical experts on our staff who who can help as well. Other questions? Maybe here first, and then we'll go there. Thank you. It's very quick. Just, is there an online version of the of those events in the boot camp as well? Some of us don't live in states.

So Yes. We are you in Europe? Yes. We might we do an event in Europe as well in September. So I haven't looked to see if there's boot camp there, but let's connect. Otherwise, I'll look.

We have not done a fully online boot camp since COVID was done. Done. But we are looking at rolling out some new training options online, but we just haven't gotten yet. Okay. Yeah.

I'd be happy to talk about that too because, also, just to be inclusive of people around the world, it it might be a good thing. Yeah. We do. We have an active society in Japan, so we have done some events there as well. So it's not just North America.

Actually our LTI architect lives in Europe. So Great. Thank you. And then here. Hello.

So I'm a software developer, and we're working on apps And, you know, whenever possible, we wanna stick with LTI endpoints, Simon's and Grace, linking, and all that. But we find for product use cases sometimes you have to use like a native API. And it'd be great if some things were added to the LCI spec, you know, to help the product, succeed, engage and stuff like that. So what's the process of adding new functionality into the LTI spec or, you know, suggesting changes? And that happens all the time. And that's the benefit of the LTI Advantage actually because we can leave the core functionality and add the additional extensions and services to give you more functionality.

LTI Advantage long with three. I think we're up to five official ones, and I think there's probably another five in the works. I look at Andy because he probably knows better than I do. Typically, what we do is we hear from a higher ed institution or someone who or even a supplier that says, Hey, if we could do this, it'd be really good. We write it up as a use case.

We work with the working group. Especially if there's a champion within that working group that work moves forward faster. Sometimes it is paused because if it's like a major change. We don't wanna, you know, release l t I dot next, before one dot three is it, it is, adopted first. So there is a process that we work through.

Sometimes it's handled through a best practice or an implementation. Other times it is through a standard. So Is there a way to see what are some of the potential upcoming? For our members? Yes. I don't think it's public, is it? I'm looking at Andy. Because it's based on, vendors that they need to release in future -- Yeah.

-- functionality. So sometimes that Our member sign an agreement with some intellectual property. And so there's, a safe community to have discussion. So, we can have high level conversations probably about potential functionalities and see if it's in the works. But our members always have access to see what's in process.

Good. Do you want to say anything else? Others. Others? The back. Okay. Do you need any of the other slides again? Does anybody miss a picture of anything? Which one? The QR for the web for our tool or for the swag? Okay.

That's okay. There's also a slide, like, don't forget to rate our session. Yes. Back. So there there is a if you go out on the one at tech website, you were asking about future stuff.

There are public drafts. So if you go to the the main website web main web page for the LTI site. Sorry. I love it. You love you know what better than me? The you'll see the drafts.

So you can review those and see the ones that are public and upcoming that everybody can take a look at. Also, once a month, there is a community day. So you don't have to be a member to join that day, and you can get on and ask questions and do you just wanna get up on the stage and do my job for me? I like it. And we if anybody's interested, come grab me. We have several open source projects that implement LTI one point three.

You're welcome to grab those and Yeah. There's lots and lots of resources. I would say the hardest thing on our website is sometimes to figure out where it is in the myth of everything else. But, yes, new website, WannaTech dot org, under standards. You'll find LTI.

You can see the ones that are Serta being finalized, the ones that are much more early days are not public yet. And then like I said, our product directory is a great resource, whether you're a member or not, you can see who is LTI certified. And which of the things they've done. So have they just done core? Have they done deep linking? All of that is all publicly available for you? Yes. I'm coming.

Maggie's getting her running in, not just steps. I'm so sorry. No. She's enjoying it. She's making room for dinner later.

Extra drink tonight. Thank you. So my question might sound actually quite naive because I'm not as experienced as I'm sure many of the other folks in this room are on our our university, we we utilize LTI sort of as an end user. We we have an LMS system. We're thinking that this possibly switched into Canvas.

That's why I'm here. We use several add on products like say feedback fruits and Portoio and And so that we interface those through LTI. Yep. But we're not doing any really deep custom development ourselves yet. I keep pushing my boss to bring on a team to to do that.

And I'm assuming that really other than being sort of a consumer of products that use LTI. And I'm I'm glad to see that that almost everything we use is is in your directory. Ray, I'd I'd until we start a lot of custom development, I there's a lot for us to do yet. Except for and please correct me if I'm wrong about that. But except for And and I don't wanna sound like a complainer because I don't know if this is the way the standard works or how much of this is the vendor's fault But for as as a LMS admin, I have to tell you it is a royal pain in the neck to manage the lTI integration as far as setting them up.

It should be easier to do. It should be It's in process. I wanna link feedback fruits to Canvas, push a button dynamic registration is coming. Good. Good.

Because it's honestly, it drives us nuts now. And and it shouldn't drive us nuts, but keeping all that information. Yep. And and training new folks as they come on board on how to manage that and everything. It for for us, We're a small tiny university compared to UCLA or or others.

I get it. The challenges are there, no matter what how big you are. Yes. But so so this thank you. I'm glad that you're coming.

Is coming. You saw it on the Canvas roadmap or in one of my sessions. I saw it today already. That makes it much easier. To do that registration.

It's in final stages of being certified. I I think we're just waiting for a couple early adopters, and then it'll go to vote for kind of final To to the extent that you could make it click a single button, I I would be forever. We're close. We're as close to that as we can get. Okay.

Is that an accurate statement, Andy? Yes. I look at Andy. He's much more technical than that. I'm glad he came. We as an institution, you don't always wanna just have a single button pressed to implement Yeah.

Because of her process. But you don't know what you're passing back and forth. So so there's a series of things that happen where we have to kinda dislike click and you see what they're doing. And I haven't seen the can of implementation. But usually, it's a okay.

This is what they want. Alright. Do you really wanna give it to them? Yeah. Okay. Here's what you do.

Ninety to send this information over to the vendor. So they have your registration code, whatever it is, and registration ID, and it works from there. So it is a lot easier. I'm not sure how quickly other vendors will adopt it probably. The the bigger ones will adopt it first, I expect.

You. Did we answer every question? If so, we're gonna get you out early. No more questions. Okay. I love it.

So like a game show host, right? Oh. Come on down. Hi. So I'm I'm one of the LMS admin for our campus. And, you know, we implement a bunch of ltis.

Is there an easy way to find, like, to verify what data is being given to them? Because it's kinda like you implemented, you set it up and boom, okay. It's working fine. But is there like a double check of the tools or anything to kinda like verify what data's pulling pulling? We're working on that coming in October. Dot dot dot. It's coming.

I don't know if Canvas has a better functionality. But we have heard from many. We wanna know what data is actually flowing. And so we're building out within our certification suite. It won't even be a certification kind of be a a quality check or characterization, I think, we're calling it so that you can see it.

It also will give you more clarity about how they use fields in the integration before you go to integrate it. So that is coming. Hopefully by educause. That's our deadline. So in in response to this question, after you mentioned the the boot camp GitHub, I I pulled that up and I saw there were plugins for, browsers to to see the actual integration.

What would that provide what he was looking for? It might take a look at that. I don't So, so, they had links to that in the, their boot camp, get, but so, we, two of us pulled it up right away. It's real easy to find. Feel free to email me if you can't find that boot camp. See, it takes a village.

It does take a village. So That's why you should join our ILN. We have a lot of fun. We also have a developer common. So if you're interested in getting more support in being a developer in LTI or Caliper, we have that.

If not, we'll hang out up here. If you have a question, you don't wanna ask in front of everybody. And if you wanna get to the reception, we'll let you go early. Thank you so much for staying with us through the end of the day.

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