Inciting an IMPACT: Fostering Student Well-Being with Resource Campaigns


Impact usage led to 400% increase in counseling/psychological services campus wide. Student feedback stating, “...working full-time and attending college, I'm definitely starting to feel the stress... I'm not sure if I can pull this off with the state of mind I'm in. These resources came at the right time…”

Video Transcript
My name is Kylie. I'm here from the University of West Florida I'm sorry about my Raspy voice. My coworker promised to load me up on hot water as needed. So my talk today is about using impact for resource campaigns. And as I'm sure that everybody knows. There have been several talks that I've been to already that talk about student wellness, student well-being, the keynote yesterday talked about personal well-being, It's a really big pervasive issue.

A woman that had the mental health as a button in Canvas yesterday had better statistics than I have. But I pulled this because I liked the quotes, in the way that they had feeling overwhelmed, feeling very lonely, too difficult to function, and then obviously suicide is always on that list. But when we think of wellness and well-being and what students need, I think that suicide usually gets the primary focus there, right? For obvious reasons. But There are very few of us that are qualified to take on these types of things. I have a master's in English, and I have a bachelor's in philosophy, and I am a published writer.

It does nothing for I could I go to therapy, but that's like all I've got. Also, there are thousands of students that are institution. I get eighty a semester, maybe. I teach composition, intro to lit, all of those things and I'm just an adjunct, like I'm not a tenured faculty member, and getting support student support services to students is a daunting task. When I was a faith to faith teacher, I could walk certain students over to the counseling and wellness center, and say, Hey, I know it's hard to take those steps.

I'll walk you over there right now so you at least know where it's at. But now that it's online, the classes are asynchronous, etcetera. It's a lot harder. Also, I it's not my job. I mean, like, my students are my kids, but not the way that my kids are kids.

Right? Like, I'm not qualified to do this, and it's not a part of my job, and I don't really know how to do it anyways. So it's just super depressing all around. But fear not, my friends. Turns out you don't need to be an expert. You just need to know who the experts are.

Thanks to technology. We can reach thousands, with just a few clicks. And despite what I said about it not being my job, student wellness is everybody's responsibility. And so it okay to share the burden. I'm sure that everybody in this room has encountered a faculty member at one point said, I don't wanna do all that touchy feely stuff with my students.

Like, that's not my job. I'm here to teach them, etcetera. They're not gonna learn anything if they're like on the verge of collapse. So so we got impact. For those of you that don't know or are new to it or haven't seen it in action, They have things called campaigns.

It's a good way to get feedback to give feedback. A big thing is analytics. They have walk throughs which walks everybody through how to click here, and then this is here, and this is how you submit an assignment, and then hints, which would be like a hover button that gives you information. I'm in a press play just to give like a walk. Maybe there it goes.

Just giving an overview of like what impact does. So we got impact maybe a year and a half ago. And a faculty member or someone on our team who was staff, got impact, and then promptly retired, very quickly. And I was brand new. And I was like, it's fine.

I've got this. And everybody from Impact was like the messaging, the messaging, the pop messaging, the sistering messaging, that's how we communicate with people, the messaging. And so we were super stoked, our friend in Australia was like, yeah. Yeah. Do you want me to help you launch your first one? It's for sure.

For sure. Let's do that. It was a nightmare. I had a faculty write me a Doctor. Seuss poem about how much he hated the pop up message that I put on his instance.

It was a very humbling moment. And then after that, it became no messages. Like, we cannot have faculty revolting. What are we gonna do? We spent a lot of money to get this. Let's use it instead for the data.

And then everybody loved the data. Right? My boss loved the data. IT guys loved the data because we were able to pull things that even they weren't pulling. So everything became about the data. So at one point, my supervisor, who's right here, miss Janae, I said, Hey, you know that counseling and wellness thing that we put as a global announcement that just says like each mister, Hey, students.

Do you know that this is happening? Do you know you have access to? I said, what if we did a whole campaign around times of need that were just those things? Right? Just that stuff. Nothing else. No academic. Just, hey, we're here to support you. And luckily, Jenny tells yes, almost everything that comes out of my mouth.

So this was the first one that we launched. Overall, it was a victory. I learned a lot with an increased use of counseling and psychological services on campus, and it was our most successful campaign at the time. So you can see I'm sorry. There's like extra light over here, so you're not gonna see as well.

But if you were to see it, you would see that we had tutoring services, food insecurity, we have a free pantry for students, stress and time management, mental health, and wellness, the library, and then the writing lab. So the first one we release chose to release it around midterms. And it was pretty well received. A hundred and twenty one votes seventy six percent, were positive, which I was like, wow compared to the twenty percent positive on the faculty that hated it, the students seemed to really like this. And even though a hundred and twenty two votes seemed like a no number at the time, I got good feedback.

Has useful information, blah, blah, blah, different. Thank you for the resources during finals. Maybe it was finals. Great tool to have around the stressful time of year. We need a way that we can access them.

Thank you. So I was like, yes, this is not bad. We are getting encouragement. Students are responding to this, but obviously there was some stuff that needed to be improved. Now initially that one hundred and twenty two didn't seem that impressive.

But if you look up here, this purple button on the message insights, thirty nine thousand eight hundred and six views on my message for student resources, which was huge. I could not wait to send that to our big boss. I was like, at thirty nine thousand times that message was looked at by students. And of that, this little number looks far less exciting. Three hundred and twenty nine.

Our campus is not that big. How many students do we have? Thirteen thousand students, maybe? So three hundred of those students felt that they needed some information that was on there, which was awesome. And we were able to see it. And if I really wanted to, I could have gone in there and seen who clicked on what, what was the most used etcetera, because that's how granular the impact insights are. I didn't because I was just excited.

So round two, This time, I was like, okay. This was a really nice success, but what can we do better? So I got this hot tip during a impact user group session. Because I was the only one, Janine and I are a team of two. Impact was all mine. I go to all the webinars, all the group things, all the chats, anything to find out as much as I can.

And someone in there was like, Hey, did you know if you the will name thing so that it says, Hey, Kylie, blah blah blah. They're like, people like it way more. I said, no, I don't even know how to do that. So hot tip. I made this change based on student feedback.

So not only do I have tutoring services, but I said on there, Hey, once you click on this link, make sure that you're clicking on final exam prep. Hey, the library is open, but they also have the therapy dogs coming the week before finals. So putting those things in bold for the students with the day dates so that they have a little better understanding instead of just kind of blanket. These are resources. The collaborative with the organization.

Counseling and psychological services gave us this blurb, and so we put it as a Canvas global announcement at the same time that we this. And we have less votes, but an increase in numbers. That led to a four hundred percent increase in counseling and psychological services on camp this. Their largest to date. These things over here on the left are some of my favorite feedback comments.

These are from students. A lot of stuff. And again, we got repeat feedback. It would be great if you could show these over the course of the semester. We need these all year and that's the second time we got that feedback.

So when I was in yesterday's session where the one woman had a mental health button in her global nav, I texted Gina, and I said, we can do that. And we have student stuff saying that we need it. They want it. They wanna be able to access it year round. But things like the very top one.

As a middle aged mother of six, a wife working full time in attending college, I'm starting to feel the stress of so much doubt of receiving my I'm not sure if I can pull this off with the state of mind. I am. These resources came at the right time. Just need the strength to make a call. I finished my bachelor's when my son was not even one, and my husband was deployed, in the Middle East.

I finished my master's when I was pregnant and gave birth right in the middle to my daughter while my husband was in South America. Comments like this hit home for me because Our traditional learners are great. And I know that there's a lot of talk about first time in college or returning learners, and then nontraditional learners as a military student, but some of us wear a lot of those hats and seeing that just the helping hand was enough to say we have it if you have the strength to reach out, we have the opportunity to give it to you. And it's our most successful campaign to date. So I have not been to many sessions where everybody left a lot of time for questions, comments, and concerns, but I'm a big believer in collaboration, so I left a lot of time.

Yep. Yep. So, the pop up so there's three pop up messages, options. There's this tray, where it's like a small blurb in the right hand corner, similar to what you would see like with a helper bot, a little bit bigger. But it pops up in the right hand corner of their screen when they log in to Canvas.

So when they're on their home, their dashboard, whatever, a pop up one will pop up very large in the center. Nobody likes it. Don't do it. Okay? Unless there is a flood or an earthquake or something crazy happening, no one likes it. You're gonna get lots it's lots of frowny faces.

And then the other one is the hint. So there's no video. So this right here, what you see, this little box is like this big on their screen. And you can make it bigger if you want. You can make it smaller if you want, depending on how much text, but it pops up in canvas thing.

So there's no videos, nothing. This is exactly what your students see, and they have the option to say thumbs up, thumbs down. Helpful. If they click on that up or down, it will give them the option to check. Was this timely? Was this useful? Was this relevant? And then do you have any individual will feedback to get, which is how I got those comments.

They can click, don't show this again, so that it's not routinely popping up. We had a lot of students say that they did not click that. They left it so that they could continuously have access to but I only run the campaign for a week. So after a week, it goes away. But this is exactly them in, like, a much larger version of what they see.

You can attach it to instances. You can attach it to contact. So if you wanted to, you could attach it to the home button. You could attach it to the dashboard. You could attach it to assignments.

In theory, you could put it in where. No. It was all the students. But we did not put any versus on there that couldn't be accessed by both. Negative feedback.

Yep. So luckily for me, I am the only one on campus that knows how to use it. Or no one has admitted of rights, let me. But also, we kind of came. So some of the organization like counseling, like the caps we don't mind, you know, right? Like, that's something that serves everybody.

But then the books the library was like, we're having our book sale and we were like, hard pass. So, because students become overwhelmed, and they get annoyed if you use it too much, right? Like you gotta find the good balance, like you're saying, of too little too many we find that if we let those organizations know, so like Argo Pantry, all these other people that are on there, we're gonna run this campaign this week. I recommend either doing it at the exact same time, so students are all getting the same amount of information in multiple spots, but it's only happening for and traded wheat or right before. And the timing is key too, because the very first one that we ran, we put the writing lab on there, the writing lab was like, you probably should have done that, like, a week earlier because we're already booked. Like, students have already booked said, same with tutoring services.

And so we're like, oop, okay. A little bit sooner then. So then we run it Wednesday to Wednesday, before dead week. So it's still going a little bit in the middle of dead week, but they have time beforehand. So communicating with those, I've been on campus for six, seven years, So I don't mind picking up or texting and being like, Hey, so and so, about to run this.

Are you cool to either do your stuff at the same time or not at all? And they usually do because they want the students to be successful to, and everybody else that asks that shouldn't be using it. I just say no. Yep. Right. Yeah.

Right. Oh. Every two weeks. And now I think we have a this an excel spreadsheet of all the ideas of Yeah. The flavor.

We had a faculty member say something about what, you know, how do I stop these Yep. Yep. Yep. I will say too, it's easy if you plan it out. So it's just me, but we have GA.

So I have James the GA. I let him know, Hey, I need stuff for students. I need stuff for faculty, and I need it for the next three semesters. So that we can build it in there automatically. That way if we get busy, stuff gets away from us, we don't mind the campaigns go and they publish with us having to fiddle with them.

So And we are gonna try again with the faculty. We're gonna work with a new faculty orientation. And so as they come in, it's counted all forty. They don't know what it is yet. They're not offended yet.

And we're making the they're smaller and more concise to what The cystray. Can't stress with the the sister. Time, like, this is what, you know, and we'll present it with new faculty orientation that we can see these. These are just to be helpful. If you need, you know, if you got questions about it, let us know, but we're gonna attempt with them, and then hopefully it catches on.

We, every time can do LTI now. We've decided to do like a hover over the LTI -- The hint message. -- a lot of phone calls about what is this now. So they can have her go, oh, this is, I can get more information here. So I think we're gonna be, like, do it like a gentle Yeah.

Yeah. The hints are well received. Yeah. You can create, So I obviously did not put it up here. But on every single one of those things that I cut and paste, it had the student's name, the student's email address, when they gave me the comment and everything.

And you can create any custom user group at all. So if counseling and wellness really wanted to. They could say, Hey, for reasons that you don't need to worry about, I need these students to get this message once a week. And I would say, so the user groups are there are no limitations. You can mix faculty, staff, students.

However, you would like them to go, and whatever the need is can be met that way. Technology is so like Panopto went down the middle of finals. My boss was not here. And, faculty were like, what's gonna go on? What's and at first, I was like, Oh, our usage is like twelve percent. How many people can that really be? No, it was a crap ton of people.

It was way too many people to email. So I just clicked on straight from the insights button. You can click create campaign for active users. So I just popped a message on there that said, Hey, Panopto captioning is down. I understand it's finals week.

It's nothing on our end. If you want to follow along on Panopto, here's the link where the update regularly on the status. I'll let you guys know when it resumes and is ready to go. And those are super well received by faculty. It was it was a faculty member that had my personal cell phone number.

That called. So but it was final weeks. I'll let it slide. Yeah. It does now.

We do have those numbers, but impact does grab mobile analytics and whatnot. Now. Yeah. They do it from there. Everything from their phones.

So there is, two options that come to my mind, which I love my Impact CSMs. We probably all have the same too if you have impact. But she showed me, so, yeah, anytime you can also reset your views, So if you go through, and you can see I'm pretty sure you can filter it the reverse way, so that if anybody has not viewed it yet, like, you'll see a bar that says, like, seventy five percent, whatever. You could take that second hat or that third, whatever it is, chunk of people that have not, and extend the time on the campaign for them. That yesterday, in a session where if you send somebody, have you completed your essay? And they could tell who had clicked on it and who had the next step.

So if they have, they took them off the list. If not, they sent the message again. So they it could I'm doing a lot of this with my hands. The impact bar has this up top, and then there's a middle bar that will say how much engagement you have at any given time. So it will say, like, of the user groups, sixty five seventy five eighty, ninety, whatever percent have viewed or seen in some way.

So, the numbers that I have are even from campaigns that seventy five percent of students have seen in maybe another if I haven't. So but you could easily break those apart and keep the users here if you have a good relationship. I think it's a time safe. We pay for Salesforce and whatever that other one is. We don't need it because any type of student user group that we have, we could use on a custom user group here.

First time in college students create a group for them. Messages that will go to them. People that are getting seas and below, create a user group and them. People that are gen ed, people that are honors, it doesn't matter. You can create as many or as few as you need to reach those people to get the resources that they need at any given time.

And you can create subaccount users and limit their access. So you don't have to do a team of one, like you could have a group, which is super cool that you have the group. Love that, that you have help. Love that for you. Love that for you.

But you could. You could assign GA's a representative from a college, a representative that office, whatever it was to meet those student needs and get who needs what. So if you have a group of students who don't have a lot of technology use or don't have computers. Hey, students, just a reminder for those of you that are struggling, don't have this you know, the academic resource center is doing a giveaway for a free laptop. Go enter and increase your chances of getting yourself one.

The library has an extended loan program the local library, not even the one here at your institution. If you're a distance learning student also probably has a library or a technology checkout system, check that out. If you're military, you can also go and check these things out. Getting them what they need and only to the people that need it so that the people that don't need it, aren't getting fussy. Nope.

Nope. Just hours. I will say that if your stuff is not changing, you don't have recreate each time. You can just reset the views and reuse your stuff. So if you need to save a minute.

Some of the stuff they might need and need to go back. I mean, all of it is already available to them. They just don't know where to find it. So that that you collect, are you currently just keeping that data within your department or are you sharing it with others? Like, for example, we have an entire department that just does, like, institutional research, but they don't have campus data. They don't have access to that.

Or right now, only three people have access I just have I have it. And then if anybody wants it, I give it to them. The fact that we did not like it the first time. And so, literally, we were told stop, like, don't do anything else with it. And then, a semester passed, and it was Okay.

Let's tip go back into this with students and see what happens. And because we were really like, okay, we may not keep it then. And then it just started to be able to be used. And and I think that's the the process, like, figuring out what works best for your faculty and students. And but you I'm sitting here going okay.

When I get back, I'm gonna have to start really talking about how other departments could benefit from it because we do within our own department have a texting campaign that goes on to students. And so do we need both of those going, my preference would be a fact. So, I think or just kind of stepping into other areas. I would. I would give those reports.

If they had a custom user group and a need to fall especially now that we have the subaccounts, it's a lot easier just because impact is overwhelming if you have not done it. Know that you have it? No. That's not my fault though. It's not my fault though. But, yeah, it's everybody that we encounter is like, can you come give us a demo in our office? And I'm like but they hadn't seen it work first, I think.

And they hadn't see that it did work. Well, people get excited about numbers. Numbers are sexy. And so we had to wait until we had happy numbers. And lucky for me it was the on this stuff.

You can use the rich content editor. Different font types, big, little, purple, don't recommend it. It's not accessible. But, yeah, any of it. It would have to be reissued to them, but I will say the reset views, if you have someone that hey, I accidentally hit this.

It's really easy to search their name at the top and then hit reset views for individuals. So You can reset views for everybody. You can reset views for a specific user group, or you can reset views for an individual. Only the student can dismiss it. Yeah.

So we have, like, the faculty that said don't show me this yet. It and they're like twelve. It's so we know. Well, I just removed them, altogether from you. She she can pull them out, but then I reached out to Hey, I know you were upset about this.

So can you tell me why or how we could make it better? And the guy that wrote the doctor, Susan's film, like, we all know him. He's he's really the best. And it was just but, he was one of the first opponents. If he's a bee, I know you there's a chair. He's a chair.

I'm sorry. So I was like, Hey, like, just tell me what what was so you had to write this thing? Well, in some people, their opinion completely changed when they realized it was us. So initially, it was like, pissed off canvas thing. And then I was like, Hey, Nick. Like, sorry.

You hated my message so much. And he was like, oh, that was you. I said, Yeah. That was me. And he was like, I'm so sorry.

That's not I thought it was just like someone else. And, okay, And I was like, nope. That's me. You are working because, what the first one went out and said, don't forget to do this or or this, and some of the responses were, I remember this. I have been teaching for twenty years.

You don't need to tell me that. We do have new faculty that need this, but we changed it to just here it is. Yep. Not that we made an assumption. Oh, I made an assumption.

I know. Coming into the zoom room, I'm asking how to link your course after this message already start would suggest that you did not in fact know. It's coming to me personally. And next time you come into the zoom room, I'm gonna jack up your canvas course. I know who you are.

Okay. And I know where your office is at. Yeah. User groups. Yeah.

So you said you can create a user for that of anybody. Are they Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep.

Yep. Yep. So I all those be above. I ended up because we initially had issues with the user groups because we had faculty that had student roles, right? They're enrolled in our courses with students, and then we had some students that were GAs and TAAs and they were like, No. I didn't link my courses.

Like, I don't know what that means. You know, they were we were having cross messages initially. So then we tried to use, like, okay, what's your root count to do it. And finally, but then we were like missing adjuncts that got added at the very last minute. So finally, I create custom music groups every single semester for faculty and for students.

I go and personally pull because we have authority with however we are to pull those lists and those Tableau reports for those emails. So I create a spring twenty twenty three a fall twenty twenty three, user group, summer, whatever it is every single semester to make sure, and so that I can add if I need to. So It does become a long list, but it only all of it is like drop down menu. So if you type twenty twenty four, only ones with twenty twenty four are gonna come through. It doesn't get insane.

No. There's like no location where you're looking at just a bazillion user groups and wondering what's happening with your So The user group based on, like, an LTI or, like, the Panopto, those just are there because they're using class that I identified doing. So it's it's really nice. And we used to do the technology audit, which I I've been a week, and it did it in a couple of days, I think. If that.

Yeah. But really, every time you add an LTI, you just let them know when they add it to the list, so we can see the adoption rate. And we can also make decisions on maybe something we need to cut. Like, nobody's touching this. So we either need to do a communication about it or a charity, or we need to drop it which is just describing it, like, doing the technology audit and attachment in LTI.

Is that only accessible to LTI that appear in force navigation, or will it pick up what things that are in the external will assign? It'll pick up all of it. You just have to make sure that you're it's on your list. Yeah. We just put in a thing link last week, and so we wanna see the adoption. Right? And then we wanna see after a training, what have this because it'll show us kind of like where we are in -- Mhmm.

-- and and what's still needed to get that going and to keep something going. Your insights, I think refresh, like, every forty five minutes, if not sooner for things like that. So you could literally check it right before you did a workshop, check it right after, and see. And have those numbers immediately. Clicks, username, how often in all of that last time they used it.

When the AI tool got turned off to turn it in, you know, we we found to turn it in, you users and just sent out that message. And we don't want to message about everything, if you don't want to use the tool, but we wanted them to know, and then we sent, like, instructions for it. So it cut down on a number of calls we get at the sports center that how do I use this? It's like, okay, we we've sent you a link to Confluence on the video, and that's how you do it. We get so much positive back from that. We're like, oh, thank you.

Like, I didn't know who's out there. We got another message was like, okay. Even if they already submitted the paper, you can go back and use the ai now, and that was even bigger. Well, and the RCE is good too. Because, like, what I did when I did, I said, just so you guys know, your turnitin is gonna pop up with this message.

The first time you use it, if you haven't used it since the AI detection. And then this is what it's gonna look like in your bottom right hand corner, and I just took a screenshot from my class and put it right there. We sent it to students too. We did. Yes.

We sent it to students that, hey, well, we don't want you to know if this is available, and you will see this little message now. And we like to for students, our department builds the stuff? Well, now they can't see it. But so but at the beginning, they could. To the student leader, you know, because a lot of times they don't they don't go that deep into it. So Yep.

So it was it was a good I really It's worth it. My thing here was that initially, a lot of the beginner user group things were like the messages aren't where the power is or the messages aren't where the this is. It's the data, the numbers, the analytics. But the more we do things like this that are personalized or genuine, the more success we have. So I know that's really been like beaten after yesterday's talk.

And then some of the sessions, I was like, really hammering this home. The students can go over to say, I need food, and they will give them a bag of food. And So once once a semester, the police department said, okay, if you have a ticket, a parking ticket, if you take five cans of food, we will erase the parking ticket, and five kids who do the combinations, and students love stuff like that. So we don't we try to put the some try to make it broader, and also just in time, resources as well. Yeah.

The therapy dogs at the library are a big hit. They do like free massages sometimes, and stuff during finals week and things. I know. Our Fire's like, very straight. But stuff like that that the students actually need or want or aren't even aware of, are really helpful and a lot of this came from, I do wellness checks for attendance in my class, every single week.

And so a lot of the questions that I ask feed in to what goes into these campaigns. And since I'm a team of one I get to pick. And we have UWF resources listed in our Canvas navigation, but they're not going there. And so these actually just they see it more. Yeah.

You're selected at what kinds of content you'll put in there. Do you do a broader call to your we intentionally have kept it close. Just because every single person that sees it is like, oh, can I get a demo? We could do it for this. We could do it for this. We could do it for this.

And I'm like, yeah, but if everybody starts getting squarely like that. It's not gonna be effective. And so we have intentionally kind of the library counseling while that stuff that impact students, honestly, because the students like it. I have yet to release a campaign that the students don't respond well to. Clases are starting on this date.

You'll be able they'll publish on this date, you know, that's how you submit an assignment. That's how you turn on notifications, they love it. They love the beginning of the semester, the end of the semester, the midterms, but faculty are still kind of the harder audience. And so in the nicest way possible, I'm less inclined to prioritize their needs. Okay.

So the accessibility campaign, was somebody else on campus, Bonnie's office. Cannot remember her office's name right now, but they came forward, and they wanted to launch a captioning campaign. Captioning in Panopto. How do we do that? What do we do? How do we push this? And that's where it started? So we started with a hint message, which I should have just clicked on my computer so that I could log in and show you guys. So the hint message is a little bit smaller, kind of like this one on the top.

And it said to in faculty and instruct hey, you don't need to like worry about, you know, importing captioning, don't have to pay anybody to do it. If you're recording in Zoom, Camtasia, Panopto, wherever, you can import into Panopto, and the captions will import for you mathematically. So it started with a hint message there. Thanks. It's really hot.

Yeah. It is really hot. My kids are full of germs. Don't worry. I've been on antibiotics for days.

But then, the walk throughs also launched. So not only could I do the captioning here, but you can create custom walk throughs. So if a faculty member sees the hint message that says captioning here for your videos, they can click on it. When they click in it, it will walk them through the various steps here, here, here, here, to upload their video and then import the captions so that they have them there. And then on top of that, if you have Blackboard ally, there is also a walk through for that that walks faculty member through.

Okay, Hey, you have this little orange icon on your thing that is not an indicator of difficulty of your content, which I did have an adjunct member ask me. It's an accessibility issue. So it walks them through how to check the accessibility, what is there, what it looks like, and then how to fix it. And then after that, it will walk them through how to look at their accessibility report as a whole for their entire course. So we have some departments that have one person that's in charge of checking accessibility for everybody.

And then we have some departments that come in and say, please turn off whatever the little clocks are on our stuff. It's distracting. And I'm like, your students can't even see that. They're like, I can see it and I don't want it there. I'm like, well, legally, you need to be doing that.

So it will walk through all of that, but having the walkthrough and the campaign allows for either the entire month, if we wanted to, or at the same time with other university initiatives for accessibility, stuff like ability month, you can turn on those walk throughs to make sure that every course at the beginning of the semester, or if you wanna start small, only students that have courses with accommodations in them to make sure that all of those needs are being met. The SAR office doesn't have to do it. We don't have to do it. Nobody has to do it except for the faculty member. They can walk themselves through it their own report, and then if they still need help after that, coming to one of the appropriate offices to say, Why is this happening? Do I do this? My PDF is saying it's not accessible.

What does that mean? It means when you scan in a three hundred page PDF and a reader can't read it because you scanned it from the scanner in the library. Your students can't read it. So explaining to them, having those teaching moments, but doing in a way that it's not coming from any one person, any one office. It's a self evaluation that says oh, oops, I didn't know this was a thing, what does that mean? It means that the university has phrased it in a way that if you get busted for not accessibility, you are getting sued not the university, so maybe you take it seriously. But that we can help too.

And with that, we can also identify areas where faculty are struggling the most. Is it the PDFs? Is it the captioning? Is it too many people are using red font? Cause they don't know anything okay, whatever it is, we can focus those workshops and say, let us get you that help, let us teach you the way it's and putting those people where they need to go, we had someone come into our office that is helping the student accessibility resource center but she didn't know where their resources were. And she was like, Do you have anything that talks about accessibility? And I said, well, you know, the library has like a whole whole thing on it, a whole library guide on it for faculty and for students. And she was like, Really? Where can I get that? Right here. Let me just walk you there.

So adding that to the walkthrough as well at the end. So The walk throughs, you can edit, you can change. If it's out of the box, you can edit that. You can make the change to it. So after I walk the faculty member through, how to identify the changes, make the change look at their report, I can add an additional step for the library resources that says, okay.

If you need to do the other stuff, this is your final step. Go and use the library check for accessibility in your classroom? Purple Sherfer. Are you? She's a workhorse. I don't think she sleeps. This could this could easily be a job all on its own.

Most of the people that I collaborate with, UCS just invited me to come have, like, several one on one meetings in presentations with them, and he had a whole committee of people that would be doing this. So, yeah, a lot of hats. Are a team of two, what we have for them today. We do have a structural design department. It's It's us.

Much like the Canvas where you have, like, Yep. Product and yep. First two, development and production. And you have two instances at all times. And what I like is that because I have an Ella and a teacher, you know, like a canvas admin and then mine.

I actually keep the impact dashboard off my teaching account, but I keep it on in my Ella so that it always shows up, and I can access it whenever I need to. So That's it's nice because it allows me to keep my hats as separate as possible. Lots hats. Yep. Thanks for hanging in there. My raspy voice.

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