Canvas LMS meets every student in every course with what they need to succeed. Core subjects like math, reading, and science thrive in Canvas. However, success with Canvas isn't limited to core subjects.
Let's explore how New Hampshire music and graphic design classes fully utilize Canvas LMS.
Harmonizing with Canvas: Music Education at Henniker Community School
Taylor Carroll infuses creativity, intelligence, and vibrance into her elementary music classroom at Henniker Community School.
" I love teaching at Henniker Community School. It is the kind of place where the teachers and admin have each other's backs and work together to do what is best for all our students, "she said.
In recent years, Ms. Carroll has used Canvas to share her love of music with students.

Thanks to Canvas, this targeted instruction continues even when Ms. Carroll has to take a day off.
"Using Canvas is a no-brainer for sub plans, even for the younger students or non-readers. I can make a video of myself giving instructions and then include buttons that lead to authentic musical activities. If the kids can log into Canvas, it doesn't matter if they have a non-musical sub."
For any other music teachers out there considering a switch to Canvas, Ms. Carroll recommends the following:
"I would suggest starting small. Think of one part of your teaching that takes a lot of time or needs to be improved, and see if using Canvas can help. Try using video submissions with your band or other performing group. Have everyone hit "record" simultaneously and put their computers on their music stands…I also upload all of our band and chorus music to Canvas, so if they forget their music, they can access it on their computers instead of having me make copies."
As she plans for the future, she's also excited to continue using Canvas LMS.
Crafting Creative Futures: Canvas LMS and Blended Learning in the Arts

Tracy Travers is a force within John Stark Regional High School. Having taught for over two decades, she looks over not only arts education but also tech integration and blended learning strategies for the school. She teaches Introduction to 2D Art & Design, Graphic Design, and Photography.
"Our school has always been driven by student voice. We offer a wide variety of courses, such as set design, creative arts, concert band, and ceramics. Students can access all of their courses on Canvas, providing blended learning opportunities and additional pathways for learning," Ms. Travers explained.
Blended learning has always been a part of her class; however, Canvas LMS accelerates content delivery to every student. Giving students access to the materials used in class empowers them to take an active role in their learning.
"I use blended learning to design a more universal learning environment. Photography students can access choice boards through Canvas. The options on the choice boards all meet the same learning target so students can demonstrate knowledge in a way that suits them best," Ms. Travers explained. "Giving students access to this technology makes them more accountable for their learning experience and creates a more student-centered classroom."
Ms. Travers also leverages other Canvas tools like the announcement feature for her Photography club, assignment search for quickly finding and updating previous content, and projecting assignments to model digital skills.
"I recommend showing students how you navigate and design your courses. Share your screen when updating assignments and modules, and even have students input their art and designs as examples," Ms. Travers recommended. "Getting students involved in the building process makes them invested in their blended learning experience."
Ms. Travers & Ms. Carroll's classrooms are just two examples of the great work happening in Canvas in New Hampshire.
iLearnNH: A Trusted Partner
The entire state of New Hampshire is committed to Canvas. iLearnNH supports educators statewide on their Canvas journeys. In their own words, iLearnNH exists to:
"The mission of iLearnNH is to support learners in New Hampshire by equipping educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to integrate Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). By connecting New Hampshire teachers and administrators, iLearnNH hopes to serve as a catalyst for meaningful collaboration and support for educators to share best practices in a K-12 environment."
At Instructure, we exist to elevate student success, amplify the power of teaching & learning, and inspire everyone to learn together. Partners like iLearnNH are essential in accomplishing our mission.
Personalized Learning for All
Whether music, art, design, or any other subject, Canvas LMS facilitates personalized, blended learning that meets every student's needs. It allows teachers to spend more time delivering individualized instruction, providing expansive self-paced resources, and creating a student-driven classroom culture.
Learn more about how Canvas LMS can help your district amplify the arts and all subjects through personalized learning experiences.