Take Control of EdTech

Free EdTech Inventory for Canvas K-12 Users

Canvas is your teaching and learning hub–but what’s going on beyond it? The Inventory Dashboard provides new visibility to take control of all your edtech and build a cohesive digital ecosystem.

Complement the power of your LMS with insights to ensure edtech ROI-now available to all United States Canvas K-12 customers!

  • Actionable edtech trends in your organization
  • Simple to install
  • Safe, compliant data collection

Claim Your Free Dashboard

What software is my district using?

EdTech Insights

Understand Your Ecosystem,
Improve Your Outcomes

Gain visibility to the edtech being used so you can build an effective, evidence-based, cohesive digital ecosystem–within and beyond Canvas.

inventory dashboard

The Inventory Dashboard has proven to be an invaluable resource for educational leaders. By leveraging actual usage data, it dramatically reduces guesswork in edtech effectiveness, compliance and costs.

Doug Casey

Executive Director, Connecticut Commission for Educational Technology


Take control of your edtech and build a cohesive digital ecosystem with a free inventory dashboard!

Now available to all Canvas K-12 customers!