3 Steps to Improving Student Engagement

14th June 2022 | 10am BST

Student engagement is a top priority for institutions across the world and we are constantly looking for ways to engage students and improve student success. One way we have seen institutions address student engagement digitally is through the use of Video-as-a-service and edtech adoption platforms like Canvas Studio and Impact.

Canvas Studio is the next-generation video learning platform that not only turns one-way, passive video into inclusive, engaging, and productive classroom discussions but also helps teachers save time and teach more efficiently.

Impact by Instructure drives adoption and engagement by helping staff and students use educational technology. It offers data-driven support and communication tools to help institutions maximise the use of technology and improve teaching and learning.

Join us for a demo showcasing three ways Canvas Studio and Impact directly improve student engagement.

Webinar Registration


Join the session to learn more about:

The practical strategies for increasing student engagement.

How engagement can support a more flexible learning environment.

How Canvas Impact & Studio can be leveraged to improve student engagement.


Sidharth headshot

Sidharth Oberoi

Vice President of International Strategy, Instructure
Daniel Hill, Managing Director, EMEA

Daniel Hill

Managing Director, EMEA