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tools like the Panda Pros.

Canvas by Instructure

Canvas LMS Users

We get it. Canvas does a LOT. Have a Canvas account,
but want pointers on features and tools (like Studio)?
The Panda Pros have you covered.


What is a Panda Pros Session?

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A 45-minute FREE coaching session for teachers

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A great way to get ready for the new academic year

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Each Panda Pro session is 45 minutes long. So it helps to have your questions ready in advance. Here are a few sample topics:

A collage of photos of students and professors during classes

This was perfect and exactly what I needed. The one-on-one attention and the ability to add what you are hoping to get out of the experience was so helpful. It allowed the host to hone in on exactly what I was looking to complete.

Technology Integration Specialist

Sample Topics

Module Best Practices

How do I create consistency in modules? How do I build reusable content? How do I use module prerequisites?

Rich Content Editor

How do I use the HTML Editor? How do I add text headers, alt-text, and other accessibility features? How do I integrate audio and video?

Accessibility and Course Design

How do I run and use the Accessibility Checker? Can I validate/check broken links? How do I add captions to Studio videos?

Outcomes-Based Grading

How should I be thinking about outcomes? How should I be using rubrics?


How do I use the annotation tools? What is speech-to-text feedback? How should I utilise rubrics?

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