2023 State Of Student Success & Engagement in Higher Education [Australia & New Zealand]


As higher education institutions across the world seek innovative ways to provide accessible, fluid education for lifelong learners, understanding their needs will be imperative for educators. Download the full study for valuable insights from this year’s findings as we embark upon and shape the current revolution in Australia and New Zealand higher education.


The ebook delves into the dynamic changes and key trends shaping the landscape of higher education in Australia and New Zealand. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the evolving educational paradigms, focusing on the following crucial insights:

A New Frontier: Embracing the Revolution in Higher Education in Australia and New Zealand

Six Key Trends: The study identifies and examines six pivotal trends that are influencing higher education in Australia and New Zealand. These trends serve as the foundation for understanding the challenges and opportunities within the education sector. 

Lifelong Learning & Technology: This segment emphasises the growing significance of lifelong learning in the contemporary educational context. It highlights the need for educational institutions to foster an environment that encourages continuous learning and skills development among students and faculty. 

Embracing the Fundamental Shift toward Lifelong Learning: This subtopic delves into the transformative shift in educational ideologies.

Navigating the Evolution of Technology and Generative AI in Education: This section examines the evolving role of technology and AI in higher education. 

Access & Support: This section addresses the critical issue of accessibility and the digital equity gap in education. 

Broadening Support for Student and Educator Well-being: This segment emphasises the significance of holistic support for the well-being of students and educators.